Bender Bukowski

Gosh, thanks for the sociology lesson Mister Smooth. Because living in my suburban ivory tower with all my lily white neighbors all I know about these things is what I see on The Wire.

And I stopped watching back when Sergeant McManus apprehended the Bell Stringer and finally found Wallace. But I did view that Hood

Someone in such proximity to the culture might as well be part of it for almost all intents and purposes.

Knight has infamously flaunted his MOB status since before the Times did that piece on him way back in 94. If you want to pretend that’s in contention or weren’t aware of it I can’t help you - these are things that

Why not?

It’s also been mentioned that someone from S1 will appear, and there aren’t many possibilities there.

Smalls peddled crack on street corners for years and Shakur ran with Knight who literally wore his Blood membership on his sleeve.

If neither was officially affiliated it’s only a technicality.

Lousy as the show has been lately, that isn’t entirely fair.

The changes to the source material generally appear to have been forced by issues with the cast, and the infamous S2 sojourn on the farm proves Darabont didn’t have much of a vision either. Not to mention the emails that made the press seem to indicate he was

The final season of the Telltale game comes out in a few months - it will have Ezekiel around, so Clementine might be showing up next year.

I don’t think anything else could interest me in this show now, other than a Blake’s 7 type conclusion.

Amended: That bottle episode where Daryl was a POW was one of their best. Easy to miss last season with all the garbage people nonsense and the village of angry widows.

I can’t think of a more wildly uneven show save for Smallville back in the day.

Season premieres and finales were easily the best depiction of the character and mythos ever filmed, but in between it was bad teen drama even by CW standards.

“He stinks, and I don’t like him!”

But he’s a great leader! A moral beacon!

The protection racket he’s set up has a far lower APR than the competition, with no hidden fees.

They’ve done some great episodes over the years. The pilot, the Governors abortive redemtion arc, the lunacy of Terminus.

But there hasn’t been a good one in years, and it was never appointment viewing. Although i’m sure i’m not the only one looking forward to seeing Carl kick it tonight.

Sadly Hershel never had the chance to bequeath his son in law that sweet unlimited ammo Mossberg 500 he was rocking back at the farm.

The former.

Painted graphic novels are rarely published semi-weekly, it’s a terrible strain on the artists wrists.


Clark Kent wears glasses, Logan is surly with a heart of gold, Batman has wonderful toys and Heavy Metal has been showcasing erotic adventures in outer space on a bi-monthly schedule for the last four decades.

It’s been an ongoing series since 1977, and lesbians doing lesbian things in space is a common occurrence.

It worked out okay early on. The show has just gone on entirely too long, watching these people refuse to learn lessons when they aren’t being outright diminished by experience is not a good time.

Like Heavy Metal only in black and white.

Sure, why not.

Then you base your assumptions on a total ignorance of the military, which is also manifest in your assertion we’ve been “holding back”.

I mean have you seen pictures of Syria or Libya? We never even technically went to war with them. The only thing we haven’t utilized is nuclear warfare - aside from the depleted

And the military would surely discard their supposed ambivalence about unleashing shock and awe when engaging fellow citizens...