Bender Bukowski

I used to run freight down the NJ turnpike and passed it approximately six times a day. Never looked up any reviews but the one quoted above is exactly what I would have expected.

Posthumously, we all have this to look forward to.

Or at least most of us do. That’s why Nate Fisher went with a green burial. He knew what the score was.

Hopefully Rick will fess up and cut Jaguar loose this time.

It was kind of a dick move not doing it after he saved his life a second time.

Whereas the rest of us are fighting the good fight!

You are supposed to begin sentences with capital letters and end them with periods.

Charlottesville surprised most everyone.

This is stupid, of course.

Breitbart radio is one station among a hundred that people can listen to as they please. And isn’t it preferable to have the means to check in and discern whats going on with the alt-right than have it catch you by surprise?

It truly is. I went to the Thanksgiving show and it was a really great, warm vibe.

That was the only thing that kept me around as long as I did, but i’m suspended indefinitely because listening to NPR and talk radio doing a running commentary on armageddon is more interesting than anything else. It’s astounding that

Yep. Scroll through the news stations and maybe half are on break any given time.

A wizard did it.

The new “Spider-Men” series is all about the original Morales, who was mentored by Fisk the same way the one we know was by Parker. It’s really good.

That was the best part of SW2.

A simple kindness - which reflected his nature - just so happened to be offered to a deity in disguise who returned it a thousandfold. It’s an old fable and they played it out immaculately.

And the various inconsistencies are just Owen Reese having fun. He’s a mischievous god, in spite of

Just gonna interject yet again that the one time he ever even had to deal with law enforcement for his supposed anger issues was the night his mother died, while Amber actually got arrested for hers.

And of course that scene toward the end, you know the one I mean.

I gave it some thought before choosing the _______ that didn’t explicitly ask you to kill the other one.

No such thing occurred, I never said anything to the contrary.

I quite explicitly said that it never did.

But people know better now, and still refuse to exercise it.

He just went up their because his bitch told him that was the best way to go about getting superpowers.

And yeah, I was thinking of the book. Sue me.

Rules of the crazy-ass cult he joined after a midlife crisis.

Obviously the show predates them both, but yeah. This was such a Stannis move right here.

He’s delightful IRL by all accounts.

Quit acting to do some kind of science PhD. Hopefully people aren’t picking fights with him on the street - I assume if he didn’t manage to grow in a beard he grew his hair out at least.

Pence will do to this nation what he did to the guitar!