Like I said, he was literally burning his own family alive in the very first scene he appeared in.
Like I said, he was literally burning his own family alive in the very first scene he appeared in.
Best event they’ve done in a long time anyhow.
Of course the last good one that comes to my mind would be Civil War, so i’m a minority opinion.
It’s not about publishing anything, it’s about a double standard for what should and should not be acceptable on social media - which while technically private is fundementally a public utility in this day and age - based on personal affiliations.
Madison set a different standard in 1789 and since than we’ve usually…
Considering that his partnership with Ser Davos had dissolved by the time Stannis was killed
We haven’t seen how Stannis’s story ends just yet.
None of the preview chapters seem to contradict the series narrative other than Theon getting captured by him after his leap of faith.
I remember saying to people that it was like GRRM as well as the showrunners were telling a cautionary tale about how fascism gets started that way.
Angry populations will accept a person they know to be terrible and ignore their faults - the first time we saw Stannis he was burning his extended family alive, but after…
Of course not.
I’d say RIP if it hadn’t been gutted and skinned by Univision who are sporting it like that ladysuit from Silence Of The Lambs.
Milo’s leaked emails among other things make it perfectly clear that the staff is quite conscious that they are manipulating their audience into opposing their own interests.
Textbook irony.
Don’t you think?
Autocomplete makes a fool of me yet again!
That’s my story and i’m sticking to it.
Apparently McCarthy is - surprisingly - going to be the moral center of the series and a strong female role model rather than a dirty cop who ended his marriage.
So that’s something to look forward to.
It’s always been that way I suppose - tribalism is nothing new - but in the information age it becomes something so disgustingly hypocritical.
Any partisanship seems to require being an apologist for your own team doing the same things you fault the opposition for.
What about Fat Tony?
I guess that wouldn’t be a big deal around here - it was astounding to witness so many people talking trash about Italy after that article about Asia Argento got published a few weeks ago, with no objections voiced whatoever.
I seem to recall the phrase “Alabama of Western Europe” receiving a few…
Because Homer has always been intended as a role model.
Wheras up until becoming acquainted with Hari Kondabolu it never occurred to me that there was any overlap at all between Indian-Americans and politically correct overreaching.
Learned a lot from both of them, I guess.
Jesus Christ.
An article endorsing people getting banned from social media for expressing opinions you disagree with, than another lamenting the same fate befalling those you find more cordial posted a few hours later.
Even Brietbart isn’t so painfully lacking in self awareness, oblivious to irony.
Same reason Flanders became the most heroic character on the show at some point between his wife dying and the film.
Senior staff became middle aged men and found themselves to be sympathetic but irreverent youth positively insufferable.