The only example I can think of there is Dennis Miller, who devolved into open polemics following 9/11.
The only example I can think of there is Dennis Miller, who devolved into open polemics following 9/11.
He was rejected by about a dozen local libertarian groups over the years.
A right wing extremist would almost certainly find a niche in one Republican area or another, just as a leftist one would eventually find a place somewhere in the DNC.
Doug Stanhope is the Libertarian comedian - even tried to get their presidential nomination. Although he seems to have stepped away from that as it’s become clear that personal liberty actually translates to corporate liberty in the political landscape.
His preferred way to end a show was always to go to the bar and…
It’s basically the exact same ending as Crysis 3.
Aliens portal to earth is destroyed, hero gets a deed to beachfront property and a fanfavorite secondary character gets to carry on the good fight.
Well, there is ONE surprise at the end there.
RIP, _______. I was really hoping you’d make it.
They have been correct, but there have been omissions and they were vague about how the meeting ultimately goes.
EDIT: Oh, the whole episode just leaked. Nevermind.
I got a little bit of hope that the bad pussy is gonna make it out of this alive.
Just because with Jamie soon to turn on Cersei and her being already miffed with him Bronn is certainly going to be leaving Kings Landing this week, and what better way to prove his good faith than to bring along a liberated prisoner to…
The spoilers didn’t specify how the conference at Kings Landing is gonna turn out though. Cersei may lose her mind completely and turn it into pandemonium, and even if she just resolves to commit to some future backstabbing her relationship with Jamie is done.
If they want to do Cleganebowl it would provide that…
As we learned last week, everyone has cell phones.
I don’t see Vance or Gordon working for the G-Man without assurance the other was safe.
And why would he just abandon the latter after investing so much time and effort? Not that anything he did made much sense anyway.
When you go to a restaurant on the weekends and it’s busy they start a waiting list. They start calling out names, they say “Adrian Shepard.” And if no one answers they’ll say their name again. “Adrian Shepard.” But then if no one answers they’ll just go right on to the next name. “Gordon and Vance, party of two.”…
With all the gimmicks they found for the portal gun to work with having it jump into the past or future would just be one more to work out.
This story directly contradicts P2 by the way, since the Borealis disappeared prior to GLADOS killing everyone at Aperture which in turn happened well before the Combine showed up.
That’s why we don’t go there.
It’s not as if Patrice is using them!
I suspect the lady is merely bluffing with her muffin.
Well how about that. And I can read the Washington Post again too. Thank you very much,
Anyway. The NYT hasn’t been a right of center publication for close to half a century, Kentucky was part of the Union, and Mitch Landrieu is a corrupt hack even by Nawlins standards.
I had to assume that after seven years of her playing the role of your living breathing patron saint you asked her as politely as you could to take it down a notch.
Katy Perry: Awesome Show, Great Job!
Feel free to link a citation that isn’t behind a paywall, and from somewhere other than the official manufacturer of consent for the coastal elites.
Since there’s so much grassroots support going on down there it should be no trouble at all.