Bender Bukowski

A noble statue embiggens the student mind.

It’s a perfectly cromulent teaching method.

Ahhh, okay. One more time then.

According to recent polls by NPR/PBS %62 of the general American public feel these monuments should remain standing - a number one can safely assume is considerably higher within the states in question, whom really ought to have somewhat more say in the matter than nonresidents

Nah, this was thousands of years ago.

Tax breaks are like cave entrances late in the game - the only people who know about them are the ones that got issued a strategy guide.

But did you learn how to bake a quiche?

Yeah, installed it on Chrome and then created an account in IE, came back and refreshed.

Legacy comments appear to be gone, but that isn’t such a big deal for me.

Now playing


Remember how you said 24 Hours was the most disturbing thing you ever read? Great news, someone adapted it shot for shot!

I can’t imagine what you’re talking about.

Just sharing a gif which summarizes the experience we’ve all shared today, one which has been in the public domain for years now.

It’s been a rough day, but things seem to be getting on track.

I know someone who called his phone claiming to be with the Argentinian embassy offering asylum.

If you check out the S2 DVD there’s an extra where the Wildlings talk about the legend of the Knights King - a Stark who found one of the Others and decided to bone her, getting made into one in turn. This was back when GRRM was more directly involved and they thought the books and show might actually be released in

She only briefly considered what might have been for a paragraph or two in the books and not at all on the series.

Again, he was married for years before she was betrothed to Robert. Lyanna didn’t steal him away from her.

When Jamie recalls his last meeting with Rhaegar before he went off to the Trident, it’s with profound respect and sadness.

He wouldn’t have made him a cuck.

There’s no way to know for certain she wouldn’t have ended things with Jamie if she had found a proper husband.

And if they really are secret Targ’s she would have just been exchanging one brother for another.

I went over to IE and logged in there where it worked for some reason, then went back over to chrome and refreshed and everything seems to be hunkey dorey now.

Only working on IE.

What a sadistic joke.

So apparently most of us are trapped in the “pending approval” limbo?

“Your comment published successfully”


Only working on IE.
