It being Utah, their parents are probably more upset they said ‘fuck’.
It being Utah, their parents are probably more upset they said ‘fuck’.
*“We will be replacing tailight and license plate bulbs indefinitely FOR FREE,” Unity Autoworks, a Twin Cities car repair and customization shop, explained. “A defective bulb should never be a reason to be murdered.”*
The question is, why the fuck is Border Patrol listening to a guy like this? He is clearly in need of some kind of help, but they just take him at his word when he claims that he someone is in the country illegally.
I strongly disagree. Trump can’t get anything passed, because he can’t govern. Pence has governing experience. Pence could get his entire crazy shitshow of a party platform passed through Congress.
If his base has shown anything, it’s that they don’t care about their own stench. At this point I think having him step down mid-term for any reason as long as it looks voluntary-ish would have no adverse impact on the voters that have stuck with them so far. They’ll rationalize it with whatever BS fits their belief…
As a high school principal, I must tell you that the school board response here is the best choice. It makes the school’s position crystal clear, sends the strongest message, and is the only guarantee that the incident will not be repeated with future classes. The kids who pulled this stunt aren’t going to feel good…
Lamento tener que decirte que es verdad.
they were on the clock, getting paid — and then despite being doctors getting that nice government-funded check, took advantage of the locals to get discount manipedis because hey, they’re poor, they’ll take anything, amirite?!
to the commenter above this one, that’s a pretty terrible way to “put money back into the…
Fuck them alllllllll dljvlsdvnsdlvnsdlvnsd
But because it wasn’t go back to Springdale, or go back to Austin every one immediately assumes it is racist.
As someone who’s done relief work in the immediate aftermath of a disaster, I initially pushed back a bit too, but reading the whole thing ... this is pretty bad.
Yes, you do. You only wish you didn’t.
Naw, I’ve been telling everyone it’s just going to get worse. And VP Mike Pence exists solely to terrify the Democrats into avoiding impeachment because he’s actually worse.
When you look at the released names of those who died, they are almost all above 70. Old people move slower and may not hear a knock on the door at 2 in the morning anyway.
From my experience, nothing works better than peer pressure, especially for teens. By canceling Homecoming and effectively penalizing everyone, those who did participate will be feeling the heat from their peers, guaranteed.
It is a flawless apology at least. None of this “sorry you were offended” fuckery. I am grateful he was able to clear this sadly low bar.
“Sad story but I’m going to be an asshole anyway.”
And yet they’ll never ban Donald Trump.
This is actually the part of the article that I found a bit confusing - everyone I know is waiting to have kids until their early to mid-thirties. My parents had me when they were in their mid-thirties. It feels natural and obvious to me that you’d potentially wait that long, and I just feel like there’s something…