
I am pro-choice, but this is a terrible argument. First, a fetus is not a trespasser in your body but an invitee (or at least a licensee) — legally and morally, more is owed to an invitee than a trespasser. Second, removing an at-risk fetus/baby via surgery is not in any way analogous to harvesting organs.

While this is most likely true I’d also argue this is a problem with the mindset that a hospital is a business and doing what the hospital deems to be the cheapest way foreword.

What do you want to bet that if they’d allowed her to continue with a VBAC and something had gone wrong with her or the baby (or both), she be suing over that.

So are she and the baby okay and healthy? I can’t help but wonder if they had let her go through with the vaginal birth and something went wrong that they’d be dealing with a whole different lawsuit. I don’t know, can any of you superstars (not being sarcastic)who have hosted and birthed a whole new human speak to the

Well then she has that same day every single time she puts out a column. They’re all train wrecks.

Regarding the 3rd letter: Jane:Don’t be so effing shallow. She doesn’t need to “ghost those fools”. She simply needs to speak up about her feelings. Either they will respect her feelings and their relationship grows stronger or their relationship sours. You don’t just “ghost” someone before even trying to fix the

Not knocking your grandma or anything, but money.

Why didn’t Megyn ask “What about you, Bob? What about YOUR plastic surgery?”

The show’s an okay idea, but that pun’s top notch.

Weddings can be times where already strained bonds finally break. I suspect that there is an element of not wanting to sever ties with the sister, but by not taking a stand now it is just kicking the can down the road. I have seen this play out both ways with friends of mine. I would say that the people who took a

Right? Believe me when I say that my family is crazy and through my life I’ve done and put up with all sorts of things that are objectively insane because they are just weird, crazy people. But I’m going to need a little more detail before I accept that a couple “has” to invite a sister they both despise to their very

While people up there ^^^ are getting wound up about less vs fewer, allow me to take this opportunity to point out that your brother is not literally the same person.

This is the part about weddings I really don’t understand: you don’t have to invite anybody. Really. My parents didn’t even invite their own parents to their wedding (the just sent the bill for the booze, which was the only expense since they got married on a merry-go-round in a park in SF). And since my dad is

Old person rant: when my brothers and I were children (up the age of 12 or so), we didn’t go to any effing weddings except when I was a flower girl and I certainly didn’t stay the entire reception. In my mind, allowing children at weddings is an ultimate act of mercy and angelic kindness on the part of the bride and

The best advice my mother ever gave me was to never marry a person with a shit family. Do you know what I’d be dealing with for the rest of my life? Or until every one of them/I dies? Their shit family. And you know what else happens as time progresses? EVERYTHING GETS WORSE. The parents get dementia. The sister gets

Option the third: Tell that bitch “Peeeeeeeace!” Now your wedding has 29 guests which means one less person to not really remember having spoken to even once the entire night.

I still can’t tell if this “advice” column is supposed to be serious, or if there’s just some inside joke I’m not getting. This can’t be real advice, can it?

Nobody is crying any tears for this poor, beleaguered white girl who was handed a music career based on her whiteness, while a few people tried to steer her away from the cultural appropriation she so needed to commit. Fuck her.

...Man, I think I’m going to keep coming back to this piece all day, thinking about it more. Upon reflection, this bit is really sticking with me:

A more fitting punishment is to tell them they are getting 5 years probation and then jail them for a year. That would be a great reaction vid.