
also reminiscing about the years she spent writing for The Stranger, sigh....

I’ve been binge-reading JustNoMIL for the holidays and can now totally believe this as a possiblity.

I seriously thought the lede photo was of a tired Kim Kardashian.

Ha! I red the Medium story yesterday and thought, this is the YOLO Fyre!

Now playing

So, I skimmed this article to see if there were any references to it (and I’m sure someone will point it out to me if I missed it), but that top video is a total Beyonce-level* rip off of contemporary choreographer Crystal Pite’s piece Dark Matters.

Lisa—who decided on free birth after stumbling across Free Birth Society’s Instagram page

But she waited until her 3rd year? That’s a long con.

The final game was played in a different arena than usual when the Mystics have hosted, out in Virginia. Not ideal for the ultimate game in a series, but glad some Mystics (and even some Storm) fans made it. The Seattle home games were well attended.

I will so miss Sue “DIE BITCHES!” Bird when she retires.

Soon after I moved into my coop, I walked into my next-door neighbor’s apartment by mistake. Fortunately, no one had any guns, and we all survived. And I realized that our keys opened each others’ apartments and I changed my locks.

Based on the headline, I was expecting this to be a NB teacher objecting to being identified as female. That’s what this would be about in my city.

I find Dakota Johnson extremely meh, but Swinton + creepy modern dance? I’m in.

That’s awesome but here the rub - in the vast majority of those stories, the better person at the end is still the skinny version, not the fat version. The lesson isn’t “be comfortable with yourself”, it’s “be comfortable with yourself... once you’ve gotten to a shape everyone else finds comfortable. Do THAT

She looks exactly like every other IG “infuencer”. Pretty? Sure. But also super generic. I looked at these shots 10 seconds ago and wouldn’t recognize her if she was right next to me. Or if I saw another photo of her (since people rarely look in person like they do in these pictures).

The thing is that I LOVE that this show doesn’t hit us over the head with exposition - there are lots of juicy bits that we as viewers have to sort through, and dots we have to connect ourselves. I would hate for the show to sacrifice that nuanced storytelling - but I do want to see that story unfold a bit more in the

Thank you for talking about the under-the-radar nod to Florian’s death from AIDS-related symptoms, and Bash’s panic about it. I haven’t seen a single other review even mention it, and it’s really frustrating. It makes me wonder if the reviewers are younger and simply have no idea what a line about making sure to

OT but camping too. Just leave your music at home when out in nature (or only use headphones, ever)!!

what is this comic?

yep, and yep.

Pete Davidson is the most profoundly unfunny person to ever be on SNL. I’m including notoriously awkward hosts like Nancy Kerrigan in this assessment. Why is he getting so much real estate on this website?!?!?