
I’ve never even heard of this guy before, and I hate him with the fire of a thousand suns.

PRINCIPAL shooting.

I watched the video earlier and I swear when the cops asked why the dog, she said “because dogs are aMAAAAAAAAYZing!!!!!!”. So it does not surprise me in the least that she tried to crawl into someone’s car because she had a connection with a dog she’d never seen before.

Man. During the work with my last therapist, I uncovered that I was basically born depressed. The only times I can recall going through passages with no depression whatsoever have been short lived, slightly scary, and manic-feeling, followed by far longer periods of profound depression. I had a funk that lasted for


Where I live, Ms. is the norm. If I see Mrs anywhere, I assume it’s someone’s elementary school teacher. I don’t even see Miss anywhere, because there just shouldn’t be anything in a professional context that indicates if the person is married.

I admit it: I find it disappointing any time a female friend takes her husband’s name after marriage. Especially if she hyphenates (and he doesn’t, because of course not). Yes, it’s her choice and it’s got nothing to do with me and I move on and try to use the new last name without rolling my eyes, but for the love of

I just can’t with this. Talk about missing the fucking point by a mile.

If this housing property is publicly funded, there are likely ongoing inspection requirements. I worked on some HUD-funded projects and all the properties were subject to annual inspections. This is also probably why the “annual” renewal was coming up in January, even though she moved into the complex only a few

Hello, she was on Cycle 21, and was shocked that it was a reality show instead of a launching pad for a modeling career? Fans of the show knew that by Cycle 3. And we kept watching (for a while, anyway), because seeing super pretty people freak out is highly entertaining - and every season there’d be at least one

I agree with your post, except the past about it being half-assed. What she did still took training, strength, stamina and skill - and she’d cleared that modified form with the Guinness folks, so she trained specifically to this. She didn’t half-ass it.

And this is capitalism. People see potential for bigger money by tricking out an apartment to create something unique and “special”, the market responds in a big way (tons of people are squicked out at the notion of staying in a home with the host staying there too), and sudenly everyone sees how to game the system.

Maybe take your daughter to see a movie that just portrays women being interesting and complex humans instead of another appearance-focused story that leans heavily on makeup, the gym, getting dates with dudes, and in this case Target.

I’ll admit it - I can’t stand seeing “wife”, or even “mother” being listed in women’s professional bios, and I see it a lot. For someone as qualified as Clinton to do this just points to how ridiculous it is. Being married or having kids is not a professional skill! It does not make you a better person, and it

I wonder if Into the Wild is on this kid’s reading list -another son who disappeared and lived off grid, made a couple of mistakes that proved fatal, and has been inspiring wanderlust in teenage boys and young men ever since. Chris McCandless also came from a home that turns out to have been suspiciously “strict”.

I saw the photo before the headline, and was expecting a story about Caitlyn Jenner. It’s a bad photo.

To me not a big deal.. it’s like getting a long text message from a friend... I’m not gonna die if there are a few errors.. I’d rather get the message while it’s fresh and new news.

The whole article is a mess. I ended up just skimming, because this should never have passed an editor at all. Oh wait, that implies there is an editor.

Also, are we seriously NOT going to let this bill pass just so over-sharing parents can post baby pictures on Facebook? When those kids grow up do you think they are going to want everyone they know to be able to find naked baby pictures (or really, any baby pictures) of them online? If they bill does somehow

This is infuriating. Aside from shaming a patient in the actual moment, collecting this data feeds into larger judgy-ness about people obtaining abortions. I’ve seen and heard a lot of pro-choice people complain about the women who “abuse” the right to an abortion, aka don’t use birth control, have multiple abortions,