
“I don’t want to take anything away from any of these kids.”

HAHAHA nope. In the NYT coverage one of the players said something along the lines of how awful it was to get shot at when he didn’t have his gun with him. Nope, now we’ll see gun manufacturers making special sport editions or some other such nonsense.

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

Is the 1990 Flatliners streaming anywhere, because I would give that a watch. I don’t find enough Kiefer Sutherland on my streaming services.

That’s probably the whole crux of this thing. If they were just two drunks in a pool, it’s just another weekend in Acapulco. The fact that they were two drunks in a pool on a tv show and that they kept filming is a big liability for the production company.

If it seemed like someone was too drunk to consent, wouldn’t it be any witnesses duty and responsibility to stop it from going any further?

Listen, it was the wild west in those pre-Tumblr days of the late 90s/early 2000s! It was all regional; all we had was LiveJournal and had only been started recently.

This article is honestly kind of strangely written/unclear but the only thing I can think of (legally) is if this was not consensual...hence producer filing as third party. Though this is obviously speculation. Not a lot about this seems to make sense otherwise.

I hope he tweetstorms like hell during Comey’s appearance. As long as it looks like continuing efforts to interfere with the investigation. C’mon, can do it!

“Why isn’t a fictional character, who isn’t American, all rah rah America draped in the flag head to toe? PC culture running amok!”

I misunderstood you and thought you wanted the Spelling Bee champ to spend some time with Maher, and I was wondering what you had against this lovely girl to suggest that. Then I got it right.

You didn’t hear this from me, but some people are calling this an excellent comparison.


If you’re a white person, and you’re not a professor of linguistics giving a seminar on the history of racial epithets to postgrads, stop it. Stop it now. Whatever the situation, even in “irony” [and from your perspective without malice], you’ve radically misjudged the mood. Stop it.

Maybe we talk to the Obama girls about how they felt about pics of their father being hung

I know I sound like a dick, but bear with me:

I’ve had friends and family members miscarry and receive a certificate of birth or baptism from the church. That was more than enough to give them some degree of closure and make them feel like their child’s existence, however brief, was acknowledged. I’m leery of the government interfering with this process in any

“I’ve made it clear since Day 1 that this was not intended to be anything other than to give parents an opportunity to obtain a certificate when they lose a child,” Cortes said to the AP.

I just emailed my local independent “artsy” theater to see if they had plans to screen it. I included a brief synopsis and a link to the site