
I’m not latent at all - I found Leo was hot because he looked like a super cute baby dyke (back when I was a baby dyke).

I didn’t know Frances was back on speaking terms with Love. Last I’d read, FB was telling the world that her mother shouldn’t be allowed on Twitter (for insinuating that Dave Grohl had made sexual overtures to Frances Bean). Was that 5+ years ago or something?

I’m eating a donut now. Should I be breaking up with my partner? Tough decisions...

same here

“Every half assed scrawl = 20K more followers!!!!!!!!!!!!”

This, so much this. Kids, especially girls and young women, need to know that there is nothing wrong with calling out some pervy asshole, LOUDLY.

I’m sure that makes LSU’s alumni network want to give her a hand now...


they totally know it’s inappropriate. they’re banking on the girl being too scared to say anything.

Here’s a story from when I was 21 - not a teenager, but still less inclined to cause a fuss in public:

Then WTF did they let him stay there?! And why did they ask HIM if he was ok with sitting there? Just move his creepy predator ass!!!

For the Camp story - it’s not clear, but sounds as though there were no passengers ticketed in the row with the 13-year-old. Does American have open seating like Southwest? There is no way that a dude choosing to sit in a middle seat next to an unaccompanied minor in an otherwise empty row should have been allowed to

The woman who is keeping the cat doesn’t seem much better, TBH. She seems to be reveling in the attention that this is bringing her, and it’s elevating her own “celebrity”.

My hair isn’t that curly (I wish!), but it’s pretty much what the top part of my hair looks like now. Yay for gray! (srsly - once I get past the fact that photos of me from 4-5 years ago show no gray, I like it).

I don’t remember every single show I’ve seen - I used to go see shows a LOT - but I do remember a surprising about about shows. I’m not good about remembering set lists - unless there is one song that was just amazing - but overall vibe, performance, audience, yes.

I have a bunch of stubs from the ‘80s and early ‘90s, including a super cool ticket to see Nick Cave in Dayton OH (signed on the back by his guitarist, Blixa!). Once everyone went TM and the tickets all started looking the same, I stopped keeping them.

I was going to agree about changing my thinking 100% about going to a show - but for the opposite reason. Shows aren’t worth the money when everyone around me has their effing phone up.

There is a non-profit association that hosted a (useful) workshop on these changes a while back - and then when the changes were made offical they sent an email that listed one totally acceptable option for employers as counting up the # of hours the employee currently works, and reclassing their hourly wage so that

That’s standard for any industry that pays overtime.

it sounds like “Deja” was really Matt Hickey