
He must have been sobbing because he was clearly mistaken to think that such a cool, loving, nice guy like Brock could have done anything wrong. It was guilt. D’awwwwwww!

Is this girl still in high school? Her letter reads like it was written by a 14 year old.

thanks to this article (and the cold from hell that I cannot seem to shake) I signed up for Hulu’s free trial and watched all of S1. This show is so, so great. And dark. Favorite minor line slipped in - Rachel tried pitching the Everlasting Apprentice hybrid, but later gave it up, saying “no one cares about women

So this guy has a public semi-persona, right? HOW DOES HE GET, LET ALONE KEEP, A GIRLFRIEND??? I mean, she’s got to know he’s a completely manipulative dick, right? Even if he gets dumped after each prank - how does he talk some other woman into spending any time at all with him? Oy.

Aimée, you look great - but you don’t have a pear-shaped body. There’s nothing wrong with a pear-shaped body, but to put you as an example of that is a big part of the problem with these body-type recommendations. Not only are we all shamed and made paranoid about finding the magic suit that will trick others into not

I doubt this is the end, but it’s a better cliffhanger than I’d have expected

Couchsurfing as an introvert can be difficult, because there is an assumption of interaction - but I still enjoy it. I just make sure it’s followed by stretches of time where I don’t have to see or talk to anybody. With AirBnB there is far less expectation of interaction, even if the host is there - and sometimes

It’s cheaper, sure, but I love the interaction with hosts. Sometimes it’s minimal or non-existent (and that’s fine), but I almost always get at the very least some great recommendations of things to do and places to eat. At best, I get a fantastic experience that I never could have on my own. It’s like couchsurfing,

like the “crappytings” painter who went on a spraypainting spree a couple of years ago

“Just goes to show never underestimate the ability of a mediocre man to assume a situation needs his input, no matter what.”

trust me, girls don’t get any advice about acne, other than “clear skin is as simple as using [insert plug for some $$ OTC product]. Any girl who has acne obviously never bathes and has chosen her life of fug. Please tell her what you think of this at every opportunity”.

Part of the reason they’re freaked out about their changing bodies is because of articles like this. They instill the notion that putting on a swimsuit is about what others think of you, not for the purpose of, oh, swimming comfortably.

or an Australian


OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! squeeeeeeeeeee!!!

What kind of photographer doesn’t download/backup their photos? it’s the first thing I do when I get back from a trip.

Is this truly a barometer of how the movie will fare? Does the film really need to be a certain level of good to counteract THIS particular popularity contest? Who even pays attention to YouTube votes? I sometimes glance at the votes for a YT video I’m watching, but usually not until I’m halfway through it. I can’t


It’s not sex-negative, it’s CPOS-negative (see Dan Savage for the acronym) and hypocrisy-negative. Want to stand up and take on AM? Go for it - with your real name, which is already out in the public anyway.

oooh, no. Celery is the worst, and its flavor is so distinctive and pervasive that it infects any dish it comes close to.