
I started reading this not realizing it was Bernie, so I guess of course he’s going to leave out the skid marks on his own track record lol...

If I can have the hubris to pretend I’m actually going to be heard. I think you should examine why women are, in greater numbers, voting against you than for you. It’s not Biden’s history with Hyde either.

I vastly prefer Sanders over Biden, and he is, of course, much better on abortion rights than the latter, but dude does not have the greatest record on being pro-abortion. (And, yes, I will vote for either.) 

I’m a bit tired today, but I’m still a little lost as to what constitutes a “Satanic pregnancy.” Are we literally talking Satan himself being the father? Or just a member of the Satanic temple having or fathering a child?  Or is it a Satanic pregnancy if conception happens through anything other than strict missionary

There is some nice bad faith conservatism at play here with the argument that the struggle to define what constitutes an “undue burden” on abortion shows that Roe is unworkable and therefore should be overturned. Roe was actually pretty straightforward for a constitutional case—abortion restrictions not allowed

Criticisms of the institutional democratic party are fair.

The biggest problem with the “Bernie would have won” lament is not that it’s based almost entirely on magical thinking (although it is). The problem is that it was a narrative the Sanders campaign decided to amplify the moment he lost California and, therefore, any rational or reasonable argument for remaining in the

Now playing

“They deserve recognition beyond a small group of tastemakers, as so many rock bands do.”

It’s testosterone, man. How can men be taken seriously when they’re so hormonal and emotional all the time?

“Things are popping in and out when the comments load. HOW IS THIS SO BROKEN.”

Responses bump comments. 😘

I’ll gladly vote for Sanders if he’s the nominee, but this is bad, and as the piece points out, absolutely unnecessary on his part. It would appear (based on this, his unwillingness to criticize Tulsi Gabbard and not endorsing the Warren-backed Cisneros,) that his endorsements come down to pure personal loyalty. On

I don’t live in Los Angeles, so I don’t know the exact demographics of the district he’s running in, but it can’t possibly be good politics to run an Armenian genocide agnostic (a couple years ago he “evolved” to the point that he officially doesn’t know for sure if the genocide happened or not, which just barely

Another unforced error was when he endorsed an anti-choice candidate for mayor of Omaha, Nebraska. There was no reason for him to get involved in that race, but he went out of his way to show that he’s cool with politicians who would vote against abortion rights.

Cenk has a consistent problem with his past positions. He also was historically a Armenian Genocide denier. His show the Young Turks is also named after a ethno-nationalist group that committed the genocide and forced mass migrations of non-Turk people from Anatolia.

She’s brilliant and this isn’t a criticism of her personally. But Black women in particular have been occupying the fat, beautiful, brilliant space for a long time. Long before white women dared to admit their fatness to themselves, Black women were living out loud with their fat bodies. The white washed body

Just imagine for a moment a world where BFP’s work on intersectional feminist theory was actively promoted by women’s studies programs globally. If she herself had been recognized and lauded as a forerunner for this generation’s civil rights leaders. Imagine this woman, writing weekly for large national platforms like

Sorry to be the person who criticises the headline, but I did read the article first, and then I went away for an hour and came back after thinking about it, so I feel okay about criticising the headline.

Yes as a lady physicist that show grates on me. I watched the pilot in college and at that point the joke was “dumb blonde interacts with nerdy scientists omg lol.” It def has a fandom among male physicists so 🤷‍♀️

Smoking and deep conversations with much oversharing = my kind of party. Wish we could all wear some sort of badge to find each other at uncomfortable parties.