
I might be saying it wrong but it seems to me that he does it purposfully, if unconsciously. He’s not just being a condescending prick to everyone and not realizing how it looks here. He is talking to women and women of color as of they are little children and he is scolding them for being bad. I can picture him as a

Well, that’s the other thing. OK, send humanitarian medical supplies to China to help them deal with their outbreak. But did Trump or any of his administration take the initiative to resupply the deficit and ramp-up production for a  possible outbreak?

Trump’s fixation on getting medical supplies only to Florida is baffling as apparently Republican states aren’t getting as much as there. I mean I get that Mar-a-Lago is there, but still. Also considering that Florida is probably the state that has handled this the worst so far, it is hilarious that Trump is praising

It is truly terrifying to be a Michigan resident and know that the president of our country is willing to let me and my family die instead of be wrong about something.

The letter I got threatened to send ICE to my house if I didn’t fill it out online in time

Who the fuck do you think programmed those computers? People.  This “computers can’t be racist” bullshit is what allows such discrimination to proliferate.

Good grief, not only is this ad a series of statements made BY the President but you can’t even say they are taken out of context. The context is the same for all of them. Coronavirus response.

I am sure that all the Republicans who were foaming about President Obama supposedly using various parts of the federal government against his political opponents, on flimsier evidence, have a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why this is different, good, and not the time to discuss it, especially during this

I ditched WF last year when their system crashed for a couple of days and I couldn’t get my bills paid. I’ve wondered a few times if I made the right call. After reading that article this morning, I gave myself a little pat on the back and muttered ‘FUCK WELLS FARGO’. What an utter asshole.

If the bag of cheeto shits could actually form complete and coherent sentences, maybe it would be much easier to understand what the fuck the context is.
You talk in rambling snippets or word vomit. You literally called it “the new hoax” after saying “coronavirus” with a few weird trailing off words and pauses in

Racist voters demand more obvious dog whistles after Obama. Sexists have as well since the last election, for “some reason”.

Perhaps this will change as Trump continues to overtly embrace the Republican death cult and its eugenic logic of brutal efficiency, which idolizes the economy above all and sees the elderly, the disabled, the homeless, the sick as disposable, their lives, as Larry Kudlow put it recently, merely a “difficult tradeoff.”

the blue states are the hardest hit right now. if he opens has his plan to open everything up by Easter, blue governors arent just going to follow blindly. they will keep their states on lock down. red governors are more likely to follow blindly. this will cause the spread to hasten in red states.

They’ll blame it on the Democrats.

Probably because so much of what passes for being progressive online is taking ideologically sexy but wildly unrealistic positions and then shitting all over people who don’t match those positions 100%

Can we just make Elizabeth Warren president? [MSNBC]

Yes, liquor stores and pot dispensaries in California are also considered essential. The reason I mentioned the booze & wine from restaurants is that that’s new.

All non-essential businesses in Ontario (the province, not the city) have been ordered closed as of midnight tomorrow night. While I’m worried about whether I’ll be able to get enough cat food from the pet store for my foster kittens, I found out that the provincially run liquor, beer, and pot shops will remain open.