
Instructions for how to self abort:

I think that’s a valid point, but I think this is one of those things where a) hindsight’s 20-20 and it would’ve been kind of insane to predict this — I mean why the fuck are we still arguing about abortion at all in 2020? and b) this sounds like this makes sense in this particular situation, but the broader

I’ve posted this before, but I’ll do it forever if it has a chance of helping even just one woman. Directions on how to self-abort with medication:

Read this, realized I bank with Wells Fargo, sent them a nice little email. If anyone wants to copy/paste and do the same, I’d say go for it. We’re stuck inside, we may as well try and support each other in small ways.

I saw some people have said this has to do with a saying or something that I’m not familiar with. If so, cool, thanks for teaching me something, that’s less bad than I thought. It’s still a very unfortunate coincidence at best and maybe something you’d try to avoid if you also have a history of denying the Armenian

Alright, this is going to be a long one.

You are spot fucking on.

Not sure exactly what you’re looking for, but I’ve spent the last couple years trying to sniff out punk I actually like. Okay, not trying that hard, but here’s what I’ve managed to find for myself, your mileage will vary of course:

I’ll just say I click on articles I have zero pre-understanding of all the time. Sometimes I just like to learn or see a new thing, and appreciate it when the author doesn’t assume I already know what’s going on.


Whoa whoa whoa I don’t know about all this. Many, many men have told me many times over that it’s always super easy not to feel any of this pressure and just say no. Your boss asks you for a hand job? That’s not a weird situation where you feel pressured to do it! Your partner asks you 50 fucking times to fuck, that’s

I hate to be a debbie downer, but joking about these former slaves being a gang is maybe not the best way to avoid racist implications here

Oof, yeah, going to respond to you and not the troll for the higher likelihood of this being seen but:

You seem not to understand what a science is, fundamentally. Science lives and dies by its ability to explain the natural world. If something exists in nature, and it goes against what is considered scientifically correct, then we change the science, not insist that whatever it was that existed in nature was wrong and

This isn’t quite right. I think you’re conflating size meaning physical size and size meaning mass. This thing is about 7 billion times as massive as the Sun. In physical size, I seem to recall them saying it was about a light-day across. Doing some very rounded back of the envelope calculations gives a circumference

Okay..I just... “Come to cali and bark like that.”?

No. It would be protecting patients from being lied to and shamed by people pretending to be healthcare providers. The existence of places like this in general helps fuel utterly disingenuous opposition to actual clinics and ultimately limits access to care and medically accurate information.

So I had a thought: why the fuck aren’t we protesting these fake ass clinics?

I realize this is old, but I can’t let this go: With the possible exception of date rapes, rapists do not think that what they’re doing is OK. The whole reason they’re raping is because the know it’s not OK, they know they’re hurting the woman, and that’s what they want.”