
I don’t disagree with much of what you’ve written here. No, we can’t say that it never happens, because there are 7 billion people so you never know. But what we can say is that there’s a much, much bigger problem than cis men posing as trans women to get into the women’s room and assault someone, and that problem is

Not being confrontational, honestly, but is there a problem with cis men posing as trans women to assault people? Because I thought they generally just assault people as cis men because nobody fucking cares or tries to stop it if a cis man assaults someone. Even in “women only” spaces, most of the time they just

Oh boy...alrighty then.

Okay I haven’t been following this case all that closely so, can someone correct me if I’m wrong here?

Thank you for this. I just contacted my assemblyman to urge him to support AB 392.

“We march to work, home to our families and we march into the voting booth. The rest of this crap is just attention-seeking foolishness.”

On the other hand, I think that California is gaining a reputation of being anti-trump land. He’s hating on Nancy Pelosi, hating on Gavin Newsom, telling us our state should burn to the ground and consistently the Californian response has been “yeah fuck you we’re going to keep doing it our way.” People from other

“Men still make more money than women, but to see the differences in wage growth...”

Was it you I saw fighting the good fight all over the kotaku comments? Because if so, you fucking rock.

I feel like I’m going a little crazy here. Yes, Nancy Pelosi is old, and she often spits out politician-y platitudes at polititian-y times. She was also ridiculously effective in kneecapping the latter years of the Bush administration. She’s the first woman to ever be speaker of the house. I don’t see why we should be

How fucked is it that you felt it necessary to write “I’m sorry if I seem harsh” at the end of this? I’m absolutely not criticizing you, and I’m fairly sure I understand why you wrote it, but good god it should not be there. We get groped, harrassed, stalked, beaten, molested, raped, and yet after enduring all this we

This is absolutely heartbreaking. I’m so sorry you’ve been put through this and I honestly hope you can find a way out and live your life in a way that’ll make you happy.

I realize this post is old and I don’t wanna well actually you but maybe provide more context or something I guess.. apologies if you’ve gotten this response already or if I’m annoying but:

“This is a woman who had to learn how to hide. It may help to explain her extreme guardedness; perhaps a touch of PTSD.”

I want to start by making clear the caveat that I’m a loner and I’m young, so I’ve never really known anyone with cancer nor had cancer, so my opinion on this doesn’t really matter.

Yes! Thank you!

I know this is unreliable at best, but maybe it’d help to frame it this way: it seemed that everyone’s near certainty that Hillary would win suppressed voter turnout in her favor because people assumed it was a done deal, and that coverage scared the shit out of racists and drove them out to vote. Now we have the

“I snatched a $20 bill from his cupholder on the way out.”

anyone clock that? Diane Feinstein was speaking for what, 80 seconds before he interrupted her? I see this is going to go so well

“Also, most people have an issue believing that there are people out there, regular people, not murderers or criminals, who find pleasure and thrive off of belittling and hurting others.”