
Glad someone thought that was coherent, and honestly thank you so much for taking the time to write that out. I am a big fan of 1:1 CBD/THC vape cartridges; the THC distracts my brain enough so that it lets the CBD actually help relax the rest of me. But I do want to say ku-fucking-dos on burning that bridge. I know

Thank you.

I don’t post much here, but holy fuck have I been grateful that this site’s been here during this most recent episode of horrific bullshit. I feel like I’m coming to the end of my rope with this shit. Long ass personal story time: As a kid I was abused by my father (physically, verbally/emotionally) and by my mother

But I swear I heard one time somewhere that it was #notallmen, right?

I don’t know if it’s been called out here yet but...get the fuck out of here with this disingenuous ‘she hired a lawyer back in August’ bullshit. That was last fucking month, but he tries to make it sound like it was just aaaaages ago and she’s had soooo much time to prepare. Fuck that and fuck him.

We have curbside compost in a lot of the SF bay area and it is seriously the best. Back when I was still living at home our county switched from trach/recycle to trash/recycle/compost and we ended up able to recycle or compost at least 60% of our trash every week. The trash can they provided was actually smaller than

Might I suggest Venus? For the most part, these assholes already look like they’re melting, so why not let thm enjoy that 900F surface temperature? We know it’s what they really want because it got to that temperature through a ruaway greenhouse effect. We’d be giving them the future Earth of their dreams. And then

That sounds fucking awful; I am so sorry all that garbage has happened to you. Hanging in there and fighting it and performing anyway is badass as hell though, and I’d like you to know that at least one random internet stranger is impressed by what you’re doing (even if the bullshit becomes too much and you stop).

In most cases, I think there are hardly any people on the panels who make these decisions who actually listen to women and girls, so having even just a few people in this position who give a fuck is probably a good thing. I don’t really have any thoughts on what to do other than to make sure that you consider your own

I know you live in Toronto, but if you’re ever in the SF bay area, the Pelvic Health and Rehabilitation Center saved my ass. I had a similar story, but I just had crazy pain like I was being torn in half if I put so much as a finger inside me. It took 6ish years and 6+ doctors before I was referred to them. I got lots

Thank you! That was driving me crazy! You mean the organization that was shut down a few days after it first opened because they got arrested for providing birth control? They “got” political? Fucking how?

And if she’d said anything bad about their relationship, they’d be asking if he was really so bad to her, why didn’t she just leave?

This has always driven me crazy. I don’t mean to toot my own horn here, but I am a thin, reasonably attractive woman. I looked about 90% the same in high school as I do now. In all of my many, many years of schooling I was asked out all of once by a guy that was a total dick to me. Sometimes high school just sucks.

Thank you! This was fucking terrifying. The thing is, did the shooter even have a diagnosis? Not that this would be okay if he did, but Trump seems to be suggesting that anyone who seems a little “off” (real fucking objective criteria there) should be locked away indefinitely on the off chance they might commit a

As far as I’m aware, there are no racist connotations to ‘kluge’ or ‘kluged’ (also spelled kludge), and that’s a short, easy, one word replacement.

That is absolutely fascinating and really cool, thank you for taking the time out to reply in such depth.

Easy, they don’t need any kind of fancy “police reports” or “evidence” because they already know that women are liars and bitches be crazy.

Would you be comfortable speaking to those horror film comparisons a little bit more? I’m really curious as to what way other people use them as a reference because in dealing with my own abusive past/childhood I’ve done that a couple different ways. When I was younger (and still to some extent though I try not to), I

I’m going to agree with everyone here and say the budtenders tend to be super nice and helpful and not judgmental at all. You said you mostly want it for anxiety, and I totally relate to that. I got my weed card in the bay area for my PTSD and everyone in the whole process from getting screened for the ID to buying

If I may go on a somewhat silly tangent: