
So does anyone remember this time that Obama launched a website and it didn’t work perfectly right out of the gate (yet still much better than this), so conservatives piled on and on and on about how out of touch he must have been and how ineffective the program was going to be? Surely they’ll all have a field day

He’s abused so many people that even with her forgiveness, he’s still 124+ victims from being forgiven.

I’m just gonna be another person piling on to the chorus of holy shit thank you for this. I’m a STEM undergrad, just graduated with a bachelor’s last May. I took a year off before grad school to try and take it relatively easy (ha) with just a full time research gig. I have a manuscript that I need to submit today for

Wow. And I thought it was bad enough to begin with, of course there are people trying to actively make it worse. I mean, they only had a 99.99% chance of getting away with anything they felt like, naturally they had to bump it up to the full 100. It made sense to me that the women weren’t going to defend the

Every once in a while I get naive and think that maybe this time, maybe just this once, an investigation will do what it’s fucking supposed to, but I have to force myself to keep realizing that these investigatory systems were in no way put in place to investigate anything or protect any victim whatsoever. They exist

I’ve heard this a lot lately, so it’s been on my mind. This question has always kind of bothered me because the obvious answer of “not nothing” never seems to suffice. But lately it’s been really bothering me and I figured out why. Because for every dude asking “well what can I do?” there are 10 who tell women to

“women being compromised”

But the woman in the photo does say that she was touched. She says that Franken shoved his tongue in her mouth against her will. That is sexual assault. The picture does a few things, primarily a) shows his lack of regard for her boundaries, lending credibility to the statement that he ignored them with the unwanted

Assault describes a pretty wide range of behaviors that vary in their severity. Groping is assault. Rape is also assault. It could be argued, and I would very much agree, that rape is worse than groping, but that doesn’t make groping not assault. Not all rectangles are squares but all squares are rectangles. Not all

I had a somewhat similar experience, and when I was younger, I thought I would do the same thing. Then one day it hit me: I can just fucking change my name. I don’t need some kind of pre-approved scenario in which our culture at large will approve of me changing my name, I can just fucking do it. So I did. And if any

Thank you so much!

That stream sounds amazing. Do you know who it is or have links to it?

Thank you for this! I was arguing that this was some of the most brazen child abuse that I’d ever seen given that he literally poses for pictures documenting the abuse, and someone I was talking to had the balls to say this was a totally normal father-daughter relationship. For some reason I couldn’t find that hotel

Oh awesome! Thank you so much!

Do you have a link to any of those studies? I have been tearing my hair out these past couple weeks talking to dudes at work who somehow totally understand the concept of a verbal no, and understand the concept of a nonverbal yes, but can’t believe how unfair it is that sometimes you don’t have to say ‘no’ out loud to

Just my two cents, but I think what you can do, rather than telling women what you’ll do and potentially talking over them, is to address whatever post you make to men. Talk about how men do this without even realizing. Talk about how pervasive it is. Talk about how it’s on men to recognize what they’re doing and

All you have to do to be a member is sign up on their website. You can also buy a certificate and membership card if you want one, but those are not required to be a member.

My guess was always that the denial is fundamentally selfish. They’re so bothered by the idea that child abuse is taking place that rather than deal with the abuse and help the victim, they’ll deny anything ever happened and insist the victim is making it up. That way they don’t have to do anything, or feel anything

Honestly thank you so much for sharing that, that makes me so happy to hear! I’m from the bay and terrible about keeping up with local news (or any news really), and every time I hear of something like this I immediately think, “well why the hell haven’t we ‘ultra liberals’ in the bay done this yet??” I guess it was a

I don’t know how to help, but I share in your anguish.