
Oh man it is so nice to hear this from another person. I don’t fuck with hallucinogens and I’ve had so many people go ‘come on, it’ll be fun!’ Uhh no, I am all too aware of what my brain likes to do. That will be fun for no one.

That’s so awesome you’re going to see the eclipse!! Might I suggest if you were planning on taking pictures/video of the eclipse, or really even if you weren’t, go to They’re trying to get as much data on the solar corona (the outer atmosphere of the Sun that’s visible during a total

The funny thing is, all these statues that are there to ‘remind people of history’ are doing a total shit job of it. In places without statues honoring traitors, the general public is fully aware not only that we fought a civil war, but they remember who won and who lost. In places with these statues they seem to have

So...what do we do now? We have a president who goes out of his way to support nazis, and his party controls every check and balance meant to protect us in the event that this happens. I was born in the 90s and I’ve enjoyed growing up watching different ethnic groups fall out of favor as movie/tv villains because

Do you think anyone maybe sells a version of the Mississippi flag redesigned without the bullshit traitor one? That could be an interesting way to protest. I mean, if the people in power aren’t going to fix it officially, if enough people just adopted and flew a new one anyway, it would at very least make a decent

Do you have a source for this? I’d love to get a print, but I’d want to be giving my money to the right people.

Thanks. It’s easy to lose track of how far you’ve come when you only ever feel like yourself, you know? I’m also staring down the barrel of grad school apps, so it’s nice to hear that other people can survive grad school and ptsd. Can I ask what field your phd is in?

Thank you so much for posting this. My whole life I’ve been working on slowly, carefully extricating myself from my abusive family, and every step farther away from them I get, I feel like a failure when I don’t immediately ‘get better’. Every reminder that it’s normal for these things to take a while helps a lot.

I see this discussion come up a lot. I explain it like this: If you want a good burger, you absolutely do not go to McDonald’s. If a burger is what you want, you don’t even think of McDonald’s. But that in absolutely no way negates the fact that when you do eat a McDonald’s burger, it tastes fucking amazing, as it was

I’ve called a couple times for various reasons. When I called because I wanted to kill myself and had nowhere else to turn, all I got was a bunch of useless reflective speech. Once I called a local line because someone I knew in a city I was not in was going through a crisis and I wanted to find a crisis shelter for

Holy fuck I just discovered them a couple months ago when I was working on a lab report and they are amazing! Something about hearing teen girls singing about how they are amazing and everyone else can go fuck themselves is so damn refreshing. Nice to see someone else into it too!

Don’t feel too bad about having kicked him out. With the information you had at the time, it sounds like you made the right decision for your own health and safety. Of course we all would want to go back and redo things given hindsight, but you did the best you could.

First off, that is awful, and I am so sorry that happened to you.

I think this tells us exactly what women and girls are worth according to those in power. We’re shut down when trying to discuss problems we face here with “but but but middle eastern women have it worse!!!!” When the US is standing as an obstacle in the way of a group of Afghan girls fighting for their education, it

I dunno which one you are but I saw you guys! You all looked amazing!!

I cut contact with my father when I was 15 despite court mandated counseling to ‘repair our relationship’. He was an abusive asshole, and I’ve never regretted it for a second. I’ve also cut out a huge swath of my siblings since they still cling to our fucked up family dynamic years into adulthood. I’m working on

Have to second Avatar. Every time I remember that show exists, it makes me a little happier. I’m pretty young, but before Avatar, I’d never seen a cartoon unabashedly stand up for gender equality while treating it like a completely normal thing to do and not relegating it to one special episode or something.

I don’t really have any advice, but I can definitely commiserate. I’m in the last semester of my bachelor’s as well and all of a sudden I just can’t do anything. I had all these plans about how well this semester was going to go and how I was going to end on a high note, and now I’m behind on everything and barely

Holy shit, good luck! Here’s hoping he takes it well, and that you’re okay.

Statistically speaking, if a bathroom rape takes place, it is perpetrated by a man. Not a man sneakily pretending to be trans and then striking when nobody expects it, but a regular ass cisman who walks into a women’s bathroom and assaults someone. Women do fear being raped, and they fear being assaulted in the