
Yeah I’m in the US. I definitely understand not telling anyone, I’ve been involuntarily hospitalized 4 times while having never attempted suicide. I guess you could say I’ve paid the price for being more open, but having been like this for so long, it’s sort of a part of my identity, so I don’t feel as though someone

I know just what you mean. It’s cool to hear from someone who feels similarly; most people I’ve met fall into one of two categories: immediate panic over having heard the word suicide (sometimes involving attempts at institutionalizing me) or relating that they had a (relatively short) suicidal crisis one time, so

I think the problem is where the majority of the criticism of Islam is coming from. When you’re an atheist criticizing the dogmatic nature of any religion, that’s one thing, but it’s another when all of a sudden you’ve got a bunch of Christians on your side complaining about how Islam is violent and misogynist.

Yeah, I figured I might get a response like this. I appreciate the support, but I always worry that I’m misleading people. I have a friend who affectionately calls me ‘functionally suicidal.’ I’ve lived through enough crap that I’m not really interested in being alive, but it’s not like I’m in 24/7 crisis mode. Right

I dunno if this is necessarily related but I dated a transwoman for a while before her transition and we ultimately broke up because she transitioned and our sexual orientations didn’t align anymore. We still cared about each other pretty deeply and are still close friends. What we had to do was look at everything

I’ve been dying for someone to ask me this, as I’ve been suicidal for years and have the somewhat unique capability of honestly saying, “No, I would really prefer to have been aborted, that would have saved me an awful lot of trouble.” I always wondered how someone who is so attached to the idea of life being the

I didn’t mean that trans kids come out of the womb correcting their doctors when they assign a sex. I mean that being trans is ‘baked in’ so to speak. We don’t consider gay or straight teenagers to have turned gay or straight once they start expressing attraction, we consider them to have been born that way. It’s the

I totally get that. As a ciswoman, it can be hard to see where that feeling of gender identity comes from because everything feels right and ‘normal’ so it wouldn’t really occur to me that my gender identity is anything other than just related to my body. To try and understand, I do little thought exercises like

As explained by my friend who is trans:

Kids do not ‘become’ trans. They are born trans. Acceptance from their families and communities drastically improves their quality of life and reduces their odds of attempting or committing suicide.

That’s so cool that you’re taking a stand about the bullshit that’s happening in your own backyard. Congratulations and wishing you strength to keep fighting the good fight!

I am so sorry that all of that happened to you.

I was in SF but had a similar sign! My little sister’s artist friend made it for me, and it looked so badass after the rain made all the red paint run.

It’s funny how they say ‘work together’, but forget that the people they have to work with are scary POC, women, LGBT people, and people with disabilities. By ‘work together’ I’m pretty sure they mean ‘go stand in a corner so I can forget you exist’, i.e. not work.

Thank you so much!

Maybe this is a weird place to ask this, but I’m a young, and have zero experience vetting newspapers. With all the attacks on the press it seems like it’s pretty important to subscribe to at least one nowadays but I’m honestly not familiar with any of them (generally when I read news online its by subject and I

I know exactly how you feel! When they say “call your reps and senators!”, I think “so I can say what? ‘Here’s an issue that you knew about before me and are fighting harder than me and pretty much everyone here is happy about it so..thanks!’”

I voted, I marched, and I agree with about 99% of what you wrote here. If I had to put up with 1% of the sexist shit people put Hillary through, I’d have given up years ago, yet she stands back up and fights for the people tearing her down. She is fucking incredible and a fucking feminist icon and we failed her,

My very battered, rain soaked sign from the march in SF. Seems like we were a bit late to the party (fucking forced birthers), but we showed up!

Thank you so much for this. I was born during the Clinton administration and it has been so confusing hearing all this shit on the left raking her over the coals but only remembering vague things like ‘she fought for health care’. Not that I didn’t do any research on her this election cycle, but it’s hard to get a