
Here I thought maybe it was a game that was pointing out how insidious domestic violence is and how few people — including the police — take it seriously. You know, have you take the role of the abuser and each time you get reported you get anything between a slap on the wrist, a verbal warning, or cops joking with

Because we’re taught not to. We’re indoctrinated in the same rape culture that men are. For some women, if they admit that X person they liked is capable of that, it means admitting that people they like are capable of that. That they are not invulnerable. That all those scary things could, or even have, happen to

I think “positivity culture” is kind of a secular recreation of religious responses to adversity.

i’m branded a weirdo all the time. I don’t use apps. I don’t use facebook. I don’t use Uber or anythign like it. Not so much because I’m against a sharing economy. I just don’t trust it. And I hate giving out personal information or allowing apps to track me. I do, however, like commenting on blogs.

And let’s not even talk about how the current ruling generation have fucked this coming of age generation’s pensions, healthcare, housing, and quality of life while giving us a toxic planet to deal with before then expecting us to be grateful for that because at least there isn’t a war on.

My father would always do shit like this - not in like, a sexual way, but in that he thought he was a hilarious joker, always sticking his finger in people’s ears, poking their belly if it was visible, pinching them - that sort of thing. And he thought it was ESPECIALLY funny if it made them mad. I’ve never been

“Fake news. Fake news! I never stole JujyMonkey’s ball. In fact I have never stolen anyone’s ball. Anyone.. Everyone says ‘ Donald Trump - that man is not a ball thief. Donald Trump doesn’t have any balls at all.’ “

Yeah I mean after all he could only fit in banning the T part of LGBTQ it will take like 3 or 4 more tweets for him to get to the other letters.

Because they all think they won’t be the one the GOP turns on. See, all those other women, minorities, etc deserved it for whatever xyz reason. Their mistake was getting uppity and thinking their opinion mattered. See Tomi Lahren for a recent example. And I bet you money she’s twisted herself into knots of how her

Seriously. All the face-fanning about the big tough war hero is getting on my very last nerve. Every bad thing he ever endured, he used to justify making somebody else go through even worse.

On a lighter note:

I was really worried that I might have liked some of the albums here, but I dodged that bullet!

I am, however, extremely disappointed in this:

In the meantime, we have pics from the ISS.

What does a beautiful intelligent trans girl have to do to get ungreyed? After all, I think I’ve done as much as any one person can do to ensure that STEM fields have more women. It was a full commitment.

I feel I need to remind that no matter what this goes both ways. Just like there are plenty butthurt BernieBros out there, there are just as many Clinton supporters who think she was perfect and completely infallible.

You don’t understand, he’s winning the disapproval ratings! WINNING!!!

I’m glad they did it now and not under Moffat, because Moffat would’ve screwed it up. I stopped watching during the Moffat years because I just couldn’t stand the show. I said I’d come back when he was gone and I’m definitely coming back for this.

Self-involved siblings can be the worst. My relationship with my sister has been struggling lately—she’s the only person who truly understands how batshit our mother is, but is unwilling to actually help me deal with our mother. She has a very ‘you’re on your own’ attitude about it, which is frustrating given that she

Same here with Teen Week. It’s great that some people can read their journals from high school and laugh and make fun of themselves, but when I think of my clinically depressed self at 15 and the things I was writing about, I want to cry for my teenage self and don’t find any humor in it at all.