
I CAN’T STOP BUYING LOWBROW ART PRINTS. I got two pieces from Friend Prices this week. One is this awesome jumbo size print of a chick tract cover!!! I can’t wait to proudly display this in my living room.

I’m sure Pence had to take a cold shower and pray after seeing that group of scarlet women and brazen harlots dressed in their whore attire.

White people need to do something about the violence in their communities. They just roll over and let the thugs and gangsters run rampant.

I think this might actually have a better chance of changing something. A fetus died here, and the only thing republicans care about as much as guns is fetuses. The problem with Sandy Hook is that the victims were actual children, which the GOP does not give two shits about.

This irrational obsession with destroying our planet to “save” a minor and irreversibly dying industry

I am so mad at the world. What was supposed to happen is Hillary was going to win, she would make at least some effort to improve things for women here and that would have a cascading effect on the rest of the world when people would finally start to acknowledge that women have value (that is to say nothing of what

I know. If only our combined rage actually could have power. Trump would be dead, that’s for damn sure - and Pence would be inside-out on a fire ant hill.

I’d actually be fine with a curfew. Just think of how much crime would go down if men weren’t allowed to roam around after dark without a woman to chaperone them.

TBH, unless I know them personally, when I hear a man say that he wants a “smart and strong woman” I always translate that to “I want a woman that others see as smart and strong so that they will think better of me, but I don’t actually want her to upstage me in any way.”

HThe irony is that there are plenty of women who would be into a dude with money regardless of what he looks like. McClure is either too lazy to find them or he gets off on foisting himself on unsuspecting women. (My guess is the latter.)

Does anyone have any advice for how to stop feeling like you’ve burdened the people you love after experiencing sexual assault? I can’t be the only one who feels this way. It’s been a week since it happened, and I feel like I’ve just talked myself in circles, bothering everyone around me. I’ve got an appointment

If I were a woman, I would not ever go out on a date with a person who supports a party that doesn’t understand ‘Consent’ and who put more empathy and emphasis on how 15 minutes shouldn’t ruin a young man’s life for a bad decision.

Of all the stories in the past week, I don’t know why, just now, that this story in particular would make me want to punch a wall and toss my mouse.

The rule has always been dont sleep with Republicans (or Bernie-or-Die supporters or Green Party people).

Yeah we’re going back to focusing on space right after he fixes health care and brings back all the coal jobs. If the administration was serious about space exploration he’d a) know what the fuck it is and b) wouldn’t be this vague about the plans.

It’s hard to make allowances when some families really, truly, fundamentally suck. The one my husband is no longer associated with is just like that - they are putting us through hell and high water because we didn’t conform to their insane list of narcissistic demands. It has been difficult, because we have

Now playing

We’ll really know feminists won when they change the ride to this:

It’s like Donald Trump got to write up his own Dungeons and Dragons character, and then appoint him.

It really feels like this country has hit a bad turning point. If McConnell pulls off this secret healthcare maneuver, we truly are fucked and not only on healthcare. He will try to use this strategy every chance he gets. One-party rule without even giving lipservice to the Constitution or rule of law. I think this is