
You are braver and stronger than I—as I posted before, I’m only hanging on for the money

I temporarily have to live in the same house as my father (satan) from familial financial issues and haven’t talked to him since I was about 13. And I’m 29.

I was supposed to be the first born son, but I came out with a pussy. My parents wanted to make me “Asshole Father’s Name, Jr,” but when I didn’t have a penis they just feminized it. So I was given one of the most common-as-mud names for girls born in the 80's. I hated it. I’ve been extraordinary (for better and

I’m living the same way except my perpetrator was my older brother. My other brothers and parents don’t get why we can’t all get along. It’s a crazy horrible situation to be in. My love and heart goes out to you today.

Shit. This is long. Sorry. Warning, triggers around physical and emotional abuse and failed fathers.

I was born in the 1970s, and I’m consistently amazed at how no one ever intervened when my dad was being awful to us in public, including school.

Father’s Day has never had much meaning for me.

A no good, very bad, father. I’ve wondered what my life would’ve been like with a supportive, kind father. Would I have thought myself worthy and good and smart? But it doesn’t matter, because I’ve hated my father since I was 9 or 10, whether he was hitting us or “just” verbally abusing us. He’s still alive and I

My dad is an emotionally abusive asshole. I haven’t spoken to him in 4 years and I don’t regret that one bit. He is a fearful old man now and wants to insert himself back into my life now that he is facing his mortality. It’s taken me a long time to get to where I am and I had the courage to say no. He’s had 40

My relationship with my father is beyond problematic and I haven’t been in contact with him for over 3 years. Reading all of you rave about your awesome dads makes me feel like shit (not your fault, obvs - I’m super happy that some of you have great dads). Anyone else who has cut contact with their father/main father

Mine isn’t even worth the time it would take to explain exactly how he’s a useless piece of shit.

I had two (bio and step) and they both sucked. The end.

Welcome to decision making about the future of society’s most vulnerable children.

Today, I become a Republican once again.

Never been seen in the same room, just for the record.

Eowyn/Meriadoc 2020: Make the Nazgul dead again.

I had this epiphany years ago and didn’t see to my mum for 10 years it was a life saver, good luck it is fucking hard but clan that you choose is more important than family.

“I just don’t want to pretend this is more of a race thing than a comedian thing.”

Holy Devasting Loss, Batman ;_;

Agreed. It reminds me of people saying that people who are depressed should just try smiling and be happy. Oh, is that all it takes?! People who wake up at 3:00 AM to relive the night’s potential social faux pas have already tried to not think about the stuff that is freaking them out. It’d be great if they could,