

Who the fuck are these regular-ass men with their regular-ass faces and their dumb-ass opinions about Rihanna and women’s bodies in general? A whole lotta dudes out here talking shit about women’s bodies but got fucking hair on their toes, back hair longer than the hair on their head, fucked up toe nails, a belly

Jesus of NaziMeth lookalike

The only thing more pathetic than adults having their lives changed by “50 Shades of Grey” is adults having their lives changed by “Atlas Shrugged.”

It’s funny. When the race started out, I treated him an interesting curiosity, but he very quickly became an enemy. He did - and with the help of the DNC super oddly enough - and continues to be both a long-term and short-term threat to Democrat’s electoral chances by dividing the left at all costs.

You’re nicer than me. Cuz I’m totally condoning exactly that.

Every time anyone talks about how consistently Bernie disregards the concerns and needs of black voters and women, particularly black women WHO MAKE UP THE MOST RELIABLE BASE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, one of ya’ll trot out a fifty year old picture like it’s admirable that you have to go that far back in history to find

I hate him and I need him to go away now. My dislike turned to rage as soon as he started throwing reproductive rights under the bus. He’s another tool for Putin and not much more at this point.

Cool, but free college pretty much only benefits middle and upper class white kids because the problems that lead poor students and students of color to fall behind start much, much earlier in the education system and aren’t addressed or mitigated by debt forgiveness or lowering state tuition. But like everything

It was actually a freak bungee-jumping accident, where she had attached the bungee to her hair scrunchie before jumping. So her face got pulled tight and immobile like that. When she came up again, she just had the doctor chop off the slack skin that’d accumulated at the back of her head. It’s just science.

In all do fairness, she can’t be there to speak because Aragorn released her and her undead army from servitude after Pellenor Fields and she’s already passed on to the otherworld.

Hey y’all, we need you to spend a weekend canvassing in the horrible heat down here - or make some calls in the comfort of your own home! We will try hard but we can’t do it alone - a lot of this close result is because good people carpetbagged their way down here. ;) Help us save ourselves from Karen Handel!

Found it! “But now, NPG claims that their proposed 400% increase is to make up for “an unsustainable discount” that they have provided UC all along. We find this to be an implausible explanation given the remarkably large sums of money others and we already pay to NPG every year,” and, “We note here only that our

It’s really a shame their dumb little boners can’t handle smart women because they never get a true idea of what we can DO to those boners.

As someone often chastised for my own dark humor (I don’t even remember the last time I discussed my own DV filled past without cracking jokes left and right) who was saved from tears by the comment OC is mentioning, I really appreciate this defense of gallows humor. It truly helps some of us greatly to laugh in the

It’s a priority thing. I’m anti-death penalty, but repeatedly vote for candidates that will not end it, because there’s 25 things that I agree with them on before we even get to death penalty. I would love us to get rid of it as a nation, but first, lets get everyone heathcare, and fix the environment, and stop

13 Reasons Why was phenomenal. I watched the last 3-4 all at once and spent the whole time basically sobbing. Also SPOILER KIND OF I totally called who had the arsenal. Like it was seriously telegraphed. Also- firearm safety. These kids had WAY too much access to unsecured firearms. Lock up your damn guns.

I am so close to obtaining my bachelors degree and every day simultaneously feels a million years long and also somehow goes by way too fast. In the next two weeks or so I have three 15 page papers to write and 3 exams to take. I took off time from work to get everything done but I find myself procrastinating and

“...suffered a minor lower-body wound (no article specifies where...”

Context: I’d trust her to carry something like this out. I do not for a second trust Trump to effectively carry this out.