
“My administration, including the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services, will do everything in its power to protect women children, and men from sexual violence,”

Sarah Palin loved to spew word salad. Donald Trump spews word smoothies.

No no, you’re thinking about the Alessia Cara song. The lyrics to this song are much darker:

Today, made me really miss this guy. I realized that as much as I am fighting now against Trump, I should have been fighting along WITH Obama for those 8 years. And I didn’t. I just lived in my little liberal bubble and mindlessly enjoyed my life. Sigh..........sorry, Barry.

Eleventeen. He got exactly eleventeen electoral health votes here. Sadly he needed numpty-three votes, so he was a few short.

Time to roll down to Mar a Lago and cry this one out

He called up a woman he had never met before to randomly ask her out on a date? Like a cold call telemarketer?

Hello, is this Emily..ugh sorry... Emma Thompson? Yes, well I’m calling from the Trump Organization to let you know about exciting opportunities available to you in dating Donald Trump. Can we schedule you

There’s an Advil Migraine, looking at the two bottles’ ingredients the difference in active ingredience is that the migraine version is “buffered” ibuprofin, whatever that means. That sounds like a minor difference but the first time I tried it, it seemed to get rid of my migraine faster and more completely. Maybe it

Mr Strunk, a kind and thoughtful man who has been unfairly targeted by my mentstrual pain related moods in the past, picked up a box from CVS and was so excited to show it to me. I didn’t have the heart to tell him so I thanked him profusely and put it in the cabinet. Several days later, he saw the two boxes side by

For the #notallmen running rampant in these comments:

Okay so this one has a little different tone but...

You too, huh. This is why I left home at 17. She seems to think that creating a crisis is the best way for her to gain attention as either a hero or a victim. She thrives off of gossip and will lie to my sister about me to start trouble between us. When you’re in a room with her it’s always about her, like “Okay, but

This reminds of that one transphobic lesbian, British second wave feminist who used the fact that a transphobic police officer, after doing something transphobic and getting “harassed” by transwomen and feeling threatened.

“In times like these we like to recommend the name ‘Chad’ or ‘Chet’ for the child, so people who come in contact with him are aware of his disability.”

Yeah, but he’s white! Don’t you understand?! He’s not supposed to be reprimanded, or otherwise negatively impacted, by anyone that’s not a straight-white-male who has more money than him.

P.S. As an astrophysicist, I’m so excited that you’re encouraging your kiddos to pursue their interests!

I “made” a General Organa cosplay for ECCC last week. By that I mean I made the vest and the belt and bought a flight suit off Amazon. I was lazy.

How was women’s day? I had the best time. Taught my older daughter to multiply multiple digit numbers (she’s 7 and yes I’m bragging) and then took my little mathematicians out to the observatory at night where they got to hear a talk about Canada’s first woman in space and learn how to use the telescopes.


Not surprised. It was always dead-eyed bros who would hit on me when I was obviously 12 when it wasn’t 60 year old men.