
Why? If there is anything Trump supporters love, it’s giving money to the fabulously wealthy that they will never see again.

Yeah, because they’ve normalized every nonsense from the right for 40 years with their “fair and balanced” approach of giving equal voice to both sides on ever issue, never mind that one side is batshit insane and flat-out wrong.

If someone is an adult and they hate themselves enough to sign up for this drivel- I can’t, I won’t stop them. Even though I know you can’t “pray away the gay” and you don’t need to try. But the parents who sign up teens for this torture should receive death by a 1000 infected paper cuts on their face and genitals,

People who run places like this deserve to be forced to stand in the path of a Zdeno Chara slapshot.

““be directed to groups that promoted safe sexual practices””

Oh, such as Planned Parenthood? Wonderful! 

It’s part of the scam. These guys are no different the MRA Players. They are scumbags trying an angle to get sex. They are the “nice guys” before they give up the nice guy angle and try red pill shit. It’s literally different stages of the same group

I’ve said this before, but I don’t understand why the left is always expected to cede ground to the right. Both politically (which is another issue altogether) and in terms of tone. This is a person whose job it is to defend someone who’s perpetrating bald racism, sexual assault, nationalism, and the systematic

Thank you. I do know that, it’s just hard to make that knowledge edge out the deep-seated feelings that have been there 20+ years. I think the best thing we can do is keep talking about things in the open, though. That’s the best way to root out the shame. All this unspoken rule of keeping this kind of abuse secret

Of course they do, because the transphobic people are terrified of secretly being attracted to women who were born a different sex. They don’t care what trans men do because that doesn’t give them a Gay Panic Attack.

It’s so funny how cis folk can oppress, harass, and murder trans folk but when a trans person succeeds despite this we have the fucking nerve to call him the cheater.

I honestly thought the way that sentence was going was that it would finish with “a small number of individuals who engage in misconduct.” Nope. They just swept it under the fucking rug. 

C’mon, it’s not like they real people or actual families or American citizens that the president is supposed to represent. Hell, I bet all those dead people voted for Clinton.

Leaves kinda look like Navi from Zelda. And now I want Navi to just follow around Mitch McConnell all day long forever.

Straight men that fuck trans women are straight, ergo heterosexual. Trans women that fuck straight men are straight, ergo heterosexual. Nothing about including a trans body makes it non-hetero relationship unless it’s a trans woman having sex with a woman, or a trans man having sex with a man. Then, and only then,

Imagine a chapstick-a dudestick, if you will-that you put on the tip of your dick. When you orgasm, it naturally blocks the cum from exiting the dick, but just keeps it inside the body with #science. How is this different from a condom? They both keep you from getting your partner pregnant by containing the cum. You

The irony here is that the misused apostrophe is the white trash of grammatical errors...

We’ve always been at war with Eurasia.

It’s because maybe, just maybe, White America is having a long, uncomfortable, tentative, mewling discussion about their own racist past and present. People are still wondering why cheeto dick got elected? He didn’t happen out of the context of our reality. He happened because so many were content to ignore our

I maintain that our job for the next four years is to double (and triple and quadruple) down on taking care of all the people who need our help. I am planning a huge veggie garden this year so I can give food away to anyone who needs/wants it.

My mother is a malignant narcissist, and she does the same thing. She will say something one day and then when she changes her mind and says something totally opposite she will adamantly deny ever having said the first thing. Before we stopped dealing with her altogether, my brother and I would audio record her