
What the Hell was that nitwit going to talk about, anyway? Ethics in video game journalism?

It’s actually really sad if you look at it from the perspective of Milo defending the “Manosphere.” Looks like an older man had sex with Milo while he was a young teenager, and he has justified it in his mind as ok by saying he was “sexually mature” for his age. He doesn’t want to admit that at that age what happened

Please do not defile the name of Snuffleupagus by connecting it to that shit eating dirtbag.


“If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe” - Carl Sagan

Same. I have never heard or read Milo, though I’ve read about him. I never really wanted to give him any attention. But, I really miss the Nightly Show and wanted to hear Larry Wilmore. I couldn’t get through much of this because I couldn’t deal with Milo’s eye-rolling and bullshit-spewing. What an ASS, and fuck Maher

Women, as far as I know, live in fear of being raped by men, not trans women. I would never dismiss a woman’s fear of men (feel free to cite where I actually did so). I will dismiss transphobia, however.

This group has taken exactly the wrong lessons from 2016. We don’t need a literal Repubican (or even a moderate) on the ticket. The Democratic ticket got +2.7 million more votes than the Republican one.

Yeah, I often feel this way, actually. I’ve got more of the suicidal ideation without the actual will, though. For now I’ve settled into a more-or-less comfortable nihilism. So I don’t really interact with these people either.

Oh PLEASE let there be a tech bubble burst. I would love nothing more than for those snide, vapid, useless motherfuckers in Silicon Valley to have to do actual fucking work for money.

One kid for the dare, second kid for the double dare, third kid for the triple dog dare, but I don’t know what the other kid did.

I have lost count of how many men I have been sat next to on flights who cannot control their elbows. I get it, it’s a tight fit. But I’m not even talking about armrest encroachment, I’m talking full-on elbow flailing WAY into my seat-zone and personal space. One guy needed them out perpendicular to his torso so he

So you’re frightened of scary transgender imposters: Trans individuals should stay more than 500 yards away from schools then, right? If they’re really trans and not just sometimes in disguise to infiltrate public bathrooms, they should have to register with the local police department as potential bathroom abusers,

“...I do believe that some fear is reasonable. Personally, though, my fear isn’t of the trans-gendered, it is of some sick person pretending to be.”

i am a woman who does fear male violence because i’ve known it in my life, but i have never felt that fear in a women’s bathroom. it’s not reasonable to assume men are going to dress up like women to get into women’s bathrooms to rape them—because that never fucking happens. sure rape happens a lot, but how often do

I’m against religion, and even a vague theism. It’s everyone’s personal right to believe in whatever they want so long as they don’t force others to conform to their irrational nonsense, and I will vehemently defend that personal right, but really: religion came about as a way for primitive people to fill gaps in

He is not a liberal. He’s a right wing, racist, mysogynist, homophobic, transphobic bastard wearing an “I’m a liberal” mask. I’m a white liberal and I would give my right nipple for the chance to kick his testicles so hard that he’ll be wearing them as a bowtie for the rest of his fucking life.

About 20 seconds for the

But why is that reasonable? What does confusion about sexual identity have to do with peeing or pooping in a toilet? The only reason that would be “reasonable” as you and Maher have put it is if you confuse sexual identity with sex. I struggled to come to terms with being gay for a long time. I am also a teacher.

Misgendering someone is unreasonable but it’s 100% reasonable for women to fear a man will misuse laws to let them in their bathrooms

Maher is pretty clearly transphobic. He’s been peppering his show with Leno caliber Caitlyn Jenner jokes for the past few years.

Team Wilmore now and forever.