
Yup. I was terrified of my biological father. Still would be if he wasn’t dead. My brother and I would scream until he’d back off and leave. When I was about to graduate high school, he insinuated that my mom put us up to it. I lost it and let him have it. Nope, I was not about to spend time with someone who pointed a

The job of a medical professional who is asked if a patients vulva is “normal” is to offer reassurance, barring something truly being wrong. Vulvas come in all shapes and sizes, and longer labia minora are absolutely normal. See here:

I don’t know if it’s terrible but I’m right there with you. Although one day I realized that Scientology isn’t any crazier than believing a guy “rose from the dead” or other things nonScientologist religious people believe, and while there’s a lot of creepy as hell Scientology stuff, there’s plenty of murder and

I’m finding it interesting that so many of the responses to the strike here are centered on feelings of obligations to others: to the people we serve in our workplaces, to our families, to other women. This seems, to me, to be a very female response. I’m curious whether men would have the same sense of obligation to

I just HAVE to know what you think of this:

The so-called President is STILL losing the popular vote to Hillary.

You’ll notice the ‘violence begets violence’ crowd only shows up when people try to defend themselves. The actual abusers? Always given a pass.

The longer I stay on facebook in these dark times, the smaller my circle gets. I’m absolutely livid I wasted any time or energy over the years on some of these people—and these aren’t even trumpers. And before anyone comments with the old “you’re going to let political opinions ruin friendships?”—when people I have

The bears can smell the education. O_o

Cal grad student here. I was on the fence and convinced of your argument until very recently. Because this is exactly what the college Republicans and milo wanted. However, Milo has a history of actually finding students at said schools, almost always belonging to a marginalized group, and exposing them, mocking them,

That’s the point. They want an outlet for all “views.” Although the College Republicans or whoever the hell they are could’ve found a much more intelligent, worthwhile Republican to represent them if that was their goal. But it doesn’t seem like it was their goal because this just comes across as obvious trolling. If

Sarandon is entitled to her opinion, as much as you would love to censor her.

A tiny bit of history is required to understand how we came to be here today. This isn’t our first rodeo with a fascist in power. It is, however, our first one where they had more than smallpox blankets to hand out to people they wanted to destroy.

That was his problem, not the fault of all trans people. Some people don’t understand how to handle dysphoria. Most of us know that dysphoria is never 100% all the time (I mean, is anything ever like that in the world?) and so that if one day we’re not feeling a lot of dysphoria, it doesn’t invalidate us.

Hiya Sam!!! I know you actually do support us from our time on Oppositelock (and of course, OppoMeet), so I do know your intentions are good. Anyway, it’s not as it may seem.

Couple of thoughts:

Fuck off, and no. If you bothered to understand the process and lived experiences of transgendered children, you would know that even as very young children (we’re talking at the early stages of self-awareness and identity formation) are aware of that their bodies do not match their gender identity. This can manifest

There are plenty of people who start young and are perfectly fine, but it really shouldn’t be encouraged or even accepted as an okay thing for a child to decide.

And Sam better get herself a bodyguard after that because we know Cheetolini’s #1 guiding principle is revenge.