
I won’t apologize for thinking your syrup has a pacifying effect. In Trump’s America - anecdotal evidence is regarded as fact, and Canadian maple syrup poured liberally on pancakes equals love to me, goddammit.

She was a normal candidate who was perceived as horrible for one reason. Never forget that unremarkable men are constantly worshipped.

At least Booker and Schumer show up when they’re needed. They were both at airports last night, helping run interference for ACLU and other volunteer lawyers. Where was everybody else? I’m much more interested in someone who shows up than someone who talks a good game. I am OVER cults of personality.

It’s from Talladega Nights with Will Ferrell. :P

Irrational (actually completely rational) scientific humor is the best. Mainly because I know it bothers you SOOOO much more than it bothers anyone else. Most people go “heh stupid California.” Meanwhile you are like “NO THAT IS NOT HOW FAULTS WORK!?!!!!.!?’”

I’m feeling every bit vindicated for acting like a condescending jerk to those who constantly bitched and moaned about Hillary and didn’t vote or protest voted. The adults in the fucking room tried to warn those idiots about what a Trump victory meant, and they either didn’t care or didn’t believe it. Now look.

Now playing

Spending the weekend with friends in an Airbnb doing the Great Midwest Trivia Challenge.

Here in Philadelphia, murder has been steady,” Trump told the crowd. “I mean—just terribly increasing.”

I understand your concern and I think its time for me and all other white women to stand up.

My city has declared itself a sanctuary city. I’m a homeowner. I’m willing to pay a higher tax rate to support that. I’m a socialist; so, shoot me. (Oh wait. They will one day)

Exactly. The WTF THAT CANT BE HAPPENING stories is not a trickle it’s now a fire hose. My disbelief and panic is almost constant.

Yes, a fringe element of Bernie supporters were a real problem. They tried to disrupt the DNC convention, including booing Bernie himself and trying to heckle during Hillary’s acceptance speech. They drove Hillary supporters underground, which made it easy for the media to create a narrative of Hillary as dull and

If I have to hear the disenfranchised white dude narrative one more time, I’m going to hurl. This was, of course, the explicit campaign Sanders was running, one which the demographics of his voters reflects.

He lost even though Hillary ran the gentlest campaign possible against him.

I supported Bernie in the primary but I thought it was downright shameful how he continued his primary campaign well past viability just to appease his rabid supporters. All respect I had for Bernie evaporated when he pulled that shit, so yes, people who are still BernieBros deserve a nice big helping of blame.

People complain when skimpy and unpractical are the ONLY options.

While in Chicago we obtained blood tests for compatibility from an East Indian female doctor.

I think the giddiness was also about the fact that our society tries to isolate women and pit us against each other; a feeling of not just solidarity but of strength in numbers and community and having a voice can make a person feel exuberant.