
What the fuck even is this? The liberal march was done by democrats? So the fuck what? What does it matter if it was spontaneous and grass roots or “orchestrated” by some dude (I guess it makes be a bad liberal, but I don’t even know who George Soros is, beyond “that guy from those conspiracy theories.” Sorry.)? Does

Even though I cringe every time I read some admiration of Melania’s class or humanitarian wonderfulness or whatever, this scene scared the fuck out of me. I’ve seen this kind of psychological bullshit in my own parents’ marriage. He said some sharp little cruelty to her, then turned around with that self-satisfied

I’m afraid that for the next four years I’ll be unable to share my financial information with the federal government. As a practicing scientologist I am constantly self-auditing and the IRS would violate my freedom of religion by interfering.

Trump doesn’t want to be President. In about two weeks, everyone will be so fucking pissed at him that he’ll just walk away from it all, stating that he’ll “continue to fight for you”.....just not as President. Mike Penis will take over, not do anything, and be soundly defeated in 2020.

White with yellow speckle. Have people really not enjoyed what is arguably the best jellybean?

Me too!

Typical lazy response. I chose one issue because I don’t have time to reprint her entire website for you. I gave you specific examples while you’re speaking in wishful generalities. If you have evidence that she “ran a lazy campaign”, cite instances and when she had opportunities to do better. She collapsed from

Orange is one of my favourite colours. I feel as though it will have to be rehabilitated after the impeachment. Which, I just now notice, has the word ‘peach’ in it. A pinker shade of orange.

Volunteering for the local DNC is NECESSARY. Our revolution can’t happen without people doing the boring, unglamorous work day by day. We’ve got to sustain the cause!

I was in San Jose CA, with my dad and sister. My dad was a public elementary school teacher for 40 years, my sister is now a high school chemistry teacher and I am finishing my degree to also become a teacher. Even though I know HRC won the popular vote “bigly” it has been so upsetting that even still such a large

This is going to take practice - but, you will feel so empowered once you do it for the first time.

All of you who didn’t get to march, please know that those of us who marched carried you with us. We know that you were there.

My friends and I went to the march in DC. Every one was very congenial and kind towards one another. This woman approached us saying she really liked my friend’s sign (it was an Arabic inscription that said “my body, my choice”) and that she spoke a little bit because she served in Iraq. She told us she was outraged

I didn’t go. I don’t actually know why. Probably because I’d been out of the country for a few days last week, slammed with work this week and uninformed about all the happenings nationwide. I thought it was just DC having the march. Shame.

I don’t know anyone personally here as far as I know, but I love this place and the people here. We are smart, diverse, and amazing. We can do this. It was apparent world-fucking-wide today how people feel and I loved every moment. That’s all I got.

Because I am of somewhat older style generational spacing (my parents had me when my dad was 40 and my mother was 39) my parents, my father, fought in WWII as a bomber pilot but I am the same age as the unfortunately now gone from office President Obama, whose grandfather was a WWII vet.

This whole thing and day genuinely made me happy to be an America for one of the first times since the election. It’s a good feeling and brings tears to my eyes, genuinely. There’s still kind and good hearted people out there and I don’t want to let these bad ass kids down.

I’m suggesting that in honour of today, if you can, make a donation to an organization that supports girls, women, and transgendered peoples who cannot march. Yazidi girls and women are still being kidnapped, murdered, tortured, and held as sex slaves. Female refugees from different parts of Africa, Iraq, and Syria

Before the trolls get here and say “take this back to gawker... oh wait” I just want to say, thanks. The fact that Kotaku, as much as this is a meme post, tries to incorporate real-world news into gaming culture is amazing because how important it is. Whenever I see a post regarding American politics on Kotaku, I’m