
There just aren’t that many songs about fucking over the american people to appease one’s corporate masters, so Republicans have to make do.

Hillary Clinton was raked over the coals for not wanting to bake cookies and be a GOP defined, nice, white First Lady who kept her mouth shut. Donna Shalala, the Secretary of Health and Human Services at the time & literally dozens of public health organizations were involved in defining the needs of the populace and

Another heartening image...

I snorted a bit when I laughed. Ugh damnit I love puns.

Nazis: We would very much like to exterminate you.

We’d do much better connecting with each other first. If the election showed anything, it’s that a lot of parts of the coalition don’t really know the other parts, let alone what those other parts are doing. WE are the majority, we just need to start acting like it.

I’ve been extra proud to be a Californian lately because none of our representatives are giving any fucks. No subtlety coming from our state. We’re chill until we’re not.

Marching in SF tomorrow! Dunno if we have any celebrities out here, but I’ll holler if I see one. Wait, no, what the hell am I saying, I wouldn’t recognize a celebrity if I tripped over one.

I’ll be marching in SF with my buddy, who’s wearing his special ThunderCunt t-shirt he ordered right from the Full Frontal webshop. I wish I could be in DC to schmooze a Feminist shirt right from Our Sam, but oh well! I’ll be marching down Market in my fugly rain-poncho.

FUCK susan sarandon now and forever. if anyone ever wonders why some of us black feminists side eye the shit out of white women she and her jill stein bullshit are a good place to start. TRUST we won’t forget!

Let me correct the headline.

Re: Peter Sarsgaard — are you fucking kidding me? “Boo hoo, it doesn’t say men, I don’t feel included!”

As a die-hard Batman fan, I’ve always thought that Trump was basically a sunburned, less interesting Penguin.

Is it wrong that I don’t want him touching Lincoln’s bible? It just doesn’t seem right.

I didn’t buy this shit, I don’t want this shit, and I’m certainly not going to use this shit.

Ain’t no tunnel vision they know exactly who they elected. It’s what they keep shoving that “unity” bullshit. They want us to settle down and let them get theirs.

THIS! I am (theoretically) equal to men before the law. No medical procedures that exist solely for men are legislated through cheap appeals to religious bullshit the way women’s health issues are. Laws restricting women’s health are inherently unequal in this country.

Yes... she kept it quiet and did her good works. In that regard she reminded me of Carter, who is the only other religious politician (Sunday-school-teaching politician, in particular) I can think of who both walked the walk + didn’t whip his religion on anybody.

I’m shocked Trump didn’t answer “I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells like rich mahogany” like Ron Burgandy.