
Other than watching the debates, that was my policy thru the whole election. I do my reading and come here to spew my disgust and keep from having a brain explosion.

I just read an article today that said more or less this - that the best way to get his goat is to not watch him. Making his speeches and interviews the lowest rated of their kind will drive him crazy. Stay informed, read the press coverage the next day so you know what’s going on, but opt out of watching all his

I know. I feel so blessed and amazed to enjoy the New Yorker. Such amazing writers nearly every single week of the year. So elucidating.

Fuck, they’ll be showing up at our work FOR YEARS, just wanting “to talk.”

I would sooner have my spleen and all of my teeth pulled without any anesthetic than watch that assault to humanity on television, let alone show my ass up in person and have to mingle with that assemblage of representatives of Early Man that constitute his supporters.

Wait for the photos/news coverage on a channel not covering it. NOTHING will sting Trump more than low ratings- it’s all he cares about. And then we can all tweet him about how much higher Obama’s ratings were- ala Trump himself to Schwarzenegger.

It sure sounds like she’s guilty as hell... of being the only person able to be punished for a horrible tragedy.

I’m sure driving her husband to buy ammunition made them feel like real Americans.

I’m vacillating...Oakland or SF.

In a Michael Jackson sing song voice: youuu are not aloooone.

I was really excited to vote for Hillary, too. I even voted for her in the primary (and I’m a millenial, gasp!)

I had the good fortune early in my career to have some fantastic women as my supervisors and mentors, so that’s never been an issue for me.

“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”


It’s sort of hard to compare, since I took the pill (for 11 years!) prior to having a baby and have only had an IUD post partum. I will say I forgot to take my pill sometimes, but I never had any pregnancy scares. I didn’t seem to have any noticeable side effects from the pill. I did have a moderate period every month

Planned Parenthood of Northern California taught me about safe sex my freshman year in high school, so thank you.

Mine goes to the National Network of Abortion funds—I work for a Republican, so whenever I buy things off Amazon for work using my corporate card I feel an intense sense of smugness that the company is donating to abortions.

I literally say “THANKS OBAMA!!” non sarcastically every time I pick up my ACA covered birth control pills. I am getting an IUD this Friday so I can hopefully outlast the next administration before having to think about this again.

I apologize. I have no fucking clue what my fellow white women were thinking.

I am one of those people who went to PP for an IUD this month. They were almost booked solid for the entire month of January when I scheduled my IUD 2 days after the election.

I also have Planned Parenthood as my designated donation recipient for Amazon Smile. Every little bit counts.