
Yep. Americans largely believe rights are only for the deserving. That’s why we are where we are with our government and lack of a good social safety net.

What is Bernie doing? Not, not what is he saying, what is he DOING? Hillary Clinton is a private citizen. Bernie Sanders is a Senator. He needs to get his ass back to Congress and start fighting some legislation. Rallies from a Senator will not help us at all.

Sure, let’s just discount the decades she has been in public life already and say she didn’t earn a break.

And admitting that so much of those issues that allegedly made Hillary an “embattled” candidate are far less severe than or identical to issues of pretty much any other politician—including Bernie Sanders—is what makes it sexist. And it’s what makes a “conscientious voter” look like a damn moralizing fool that has

I read this story and I felt some prickling discomfort.

You rightly gave them a hearty Falcon Punch, yes?

Have we looked at harnessing Bernie’s hot air as a potential source of alternative energy?

Agreed. The Electoral College is a broken system and it needs to be done away with. One person’s vote should not outway someone elses just because of where they live. People argue that America will end up with tyranny of the majority if the Electoral College is gotten rid of. Well, America is under the tyranny of the

She was embattled BECAUSE she was female. Don’t kid yourself.

Wish I could have been there to give more applause than I’ve given anyone in my life to date, and then some. As I saw someone comment elsewhere, I hope she gets appreciated in defeat, because she never was properly appreciated when she was running or at any time before that.

Even if Trump weren’t the monster he is, Hillary’s loss would still break my heart. She deserves this - has worked so hard for so many years in perfect preparation - and she got cut off at the knees by media exploitation of a stupid email story and being a woman (including a re-visiting of such story by a Republican,

She was too masculine! She was too feminine! She was too aggressive and harsh! She was too frail! She was too progressive! She was too moderate! She was too incompetent! She was a diabolical mastermind! She was stiff, rigid, uptight! She was going to keel over at any moment!


Literally no one worked harder and more directly to prevent “all this Trump bullshit” than Hillary Clinton.

This comment section is a flaming dumpster fire and I’m ashamed to have even come here as I knew it was going to be like this.

I don’t understand why people are getting up on their high horse about ‘my tax dollars’ having to pay for stuff they don’t like. EVERYONES TAX DOLLARS pays for some shit they don’t like. It’s the price you pay to live in a civilised society. Saying that the tax payer shouldn’t have to pay for an inmates vital health

Can you cis people stop trying to justify your vindictiveness by claiming your real concern is how unfair this is to other trans people? Because you don’t really give a shit about them and chances are you’d bitch and moan just as much if she was a perfect law abiding citizen whose surgery was covered under a plan that

Have your surgery per 8th Amendment, then resume your imprisonment ‘til your death.

I understand the heartbreak of losing a loved one to violent crime. It’s fucking awful.