
Don has no idea what NATO is or does. He heard it costs a lot of money and generates no income for billionaires. He feels the same way about nuclear, cyber, and common core. Disaster!

Screw Anonymous as well. They are like the edgy teenage Wikileaks

As you probably already know, Stephen Colbert recently called Assange “Hobo Anderson Cooper”. At least I think it was Colbert. I like to call Assange that in my head because he’s such a narcissist I’m pretty sure it would bother him. 

Or, maybe, Democrats are actually capable of being nuanced about things, and liked Wikileaks when it was publicly committing itself to being neutral and non-partisan. And then Assange was put under investigation for rape and his history of egotism and egomania came to light, and Wikileaks started leaking things like

I know how much Assange hates America because he is willing to spend time talking to Sean Hannity. That takes commitment.

The police will just start excusing rape because it’s the only way poor men can get any sex.

“They’re not total abomination rapes where strangers are being dragged off the streets”

I think in the South is a requirement to hit your wife and no one do anything, the *^&($ prosecutor does not even want to press all the charges against my ex-husband because he thinks I have ulterior and sinister motives to get him, a poor snowflake man, in jail. I am going to be forever mad about this.

So much for the party of state’s rights and small government! I hate these people so much. I’m so scared of the next four years. I have no idea how/if we’re going to make it.

This is so familiar to me. It’s like my father had a second family that you were part of.

We have, repeatedly. The secretaries, me, the school owners. She gets so loud she is traumatizing our students too, listening to that stuff... plus, it is a stream of expletives. The police and child services came over, nothing happened. Then I asked a student whose dad is a sargeant at the local station to send


Problem is, by and large we reserve force/violence to the police. So even though they aren’t medical practitioners, they’re the only ones with the rights and abilities to really intervene in violence. Abilities being a term used loosely of course...

Yeah, maybe. I’m just tired of people using that explanation but not actually suggesting anything that would help. I mean, let’s face it, everyone knows kids raised with violence in many cases become violent parents. But knowing the root cause won’t fix anything because child protection agencies doesn’t even have the

The majority of my parenting philosophy has been to think of what my mother would have done in a given situation and then do the exact opposite. It’s surprisingly easy to come up with alternatives to beating her with a wooden spoon, locking her out of the house, or calling her fat, stupid, lazy and useless when she

But that requires education about parenting

I agree. But I also think social services has to stop insisting on trying to keep families together. Sometimes it’s just best to acknowledge that a kid will have a better chance of making it if they DON’T maintain a relationship with their bio parents or relatives, and rather than letting those kids languish in foster

Me too. I was neglected and physically abused. My mother would say, “Well, there aren’t any bruises are there?!”.

You beat me to it. My mother was the queen of the shitty parents, and yet I have managed to not allow history to repeat itself with my own daughter. People who use their own shitty upbringing as an excuse to be shitty parents themselves are even worse than the average abusive parent, because they know how it feels to

That does not mean you have to do the same, to my eyes it means you know how it feels to be abused so you do not go and do the same.