
It is disgusting how you’re trying to lie on this topic.

I would be a proud member of the Church of Nasty Women. Our deity could be Kali, goddess of destruction, and our sacrament would involve drinking male tears.

Exactly. People have refused to treat trans women for a broken arm, or a head cold, on the grounds that they don’t treat — or allegedly “don’t know how”* to treat — trans people. That’s the kind of thing this judge wants to allow.

* I was told once, regarding something completely unrelated to transition, “nobody in

As a trans* woman, I want to point out that they’re denying trans folx like me (DMAB) other unrelated services (counseling, hormone replacement therapy, etc) because they think there *might* be a specious link between this an abortion.

Blocking DHHS section 1557 over abortion services, something trans ladies like

I mocked Texass a few weeks ago on SNS and a few people jumped up to say how cool the area where they live is, even though still in Texass, and since then I’ve read at least four shitty stories about Texass legislative measures. No way. I remain unconvinced of sub/urban pockets of coolness that can override persistent

We know how to do it, The Satanic Temple told us how. How we could apply it in this situation is another matter, although I’m sure it will present itself in time.

This makes me absolutely livid. I literally just read a story about a young trans teen who committed suicide before coming here and seeing this. As I processed that story, I thought about how strong my adult trans friends must be to have even made it to adulthood in this fucked up world we live in where everyone from

America: the land were “all men are created equal”, but we get to define-and redefine at will-who is a “man”.

I love the Great British Baking Show. I haven’t tried watching the American version yet—is it as good?

Hey Chicago Jezzies - we’ve got a March for Abortion Rights coming up. Be there or be screwed when they try to take our reproductive rights away.

Her focus is so on point right now- and that is making some of the “fans” less than happy. Of course, those were the same people that ran their mouths about her side projects, talked up Cupcake Tate like she was the second coming (and oh, so purty) and basically trashed every one else.

Just this morning, my office mate shared with me that one of his clients had made an appointment to have their estate plan updated to reflect their kid’s name change, and the email included an explanation that their kid preferred their/them pronouns. He was confused, and asked me (as the resident “young” person around

Brendan, the headline and selection of sentiment herein seems sympathetic to Putin to the exclusion of pertinent facts.

Seriously? Cucked? Well, that word told us everything about you (and your credibility) that we need to know. Putin wasn’t the adult in the room. He is fancying himself as some sort of supervillain who committed a blatant crime and is being flashy about flaunting his control over the next president of the US, the

There are literally millions. I would love to see high quality, big budget films about American First Nations history. The Sioux uprising would make for a fantastic historical drama, but probably no one wants to show that President Lincoln was a mass murdering villain.

I’m all for yet another remake of Joan d’Arc, this time with all-Black cast, spoken in Jamaican patois.

Putin’s all “I don’t care bc I have Trumpy!”

Now playing

The last time Gloria Steinem was on Bill Maher’s show she said something that shook me to the core: women radicalize as they get older, as they realize that male power increases with age and female power diminishes. Women get angry about it and that’s where no-filter old ladies come from.

Damn. This was amazing. Thank you so much for writing it and sharing this with us. What you said about hanging with the guys... that could have been my story, although I was lucky enough to have a group that didn’t try the whole ass slapping thing. (And for what it’s worth, Kidlet loved that part of your story. His

Real truth & power, this writing. I couldn’t agree more. For some reason one of the first things that popped into my mind after the election was, “I will never have a baby under Trump.” I tried to explain it “logically” as what if the baby had a birth defect that I was no longer able to terminate the pregnancy and