
Because social media turns it into entertainment, not the ghastly horror that is actual abuse. And the whackier and more ridiculous the conspiracy the purer the hit is for them. They get off on imaginary children being sold as sex slaves because it’s so out there and bizarre that you can enjoy the rage and indignation

Doing the right thing is easier when the consequences fall on Faceless Obvious Evil Guy Over There instead of your good friend Robert. And when it’s only suspicion? Far easier to tell yourself that you could never be so mistaken about Robert, while Obviously Evil Guy is certainly the type of person who would be

I remember the poll that showed that liberals and conservatives both think that Black people are lazy, among a lot of other stupid shit. This country is garbage.

You obnoxious sacks of shit are just never going to stop whining about Bernie Sanders, huh?

I just find it sad people will devote an unfathomable amount of time to pizzagate yet are probably ignorant to the abuses of children that actually go in their own cities or communities. I guess giving a damn is hard to do when you can’t blame Hillary Clinton.

 I’m sure we Dems will find some issues with two great solutions to tear ourselves apart over. That is what we do best. The Republican Party could be proposing killing all puppies and we will be tearing each other apart over whether the puppy lives and gets free doggy daycare or lives and get’s subsidized doggy

Nope. The conservatives in every red state ive ever lived in have known the risk and threat of voting in Republicans to their welfare, food stamps and other social programs they happily take advantage of. They don’t care. They want to vote for someone who despises women and minorities as much as they do no matter what.

My main problem w Episode VII was finding out Leia was never trained in the force.

And a plurality, if not quite a majority, did listen, which almost makes it worse in a way.

I love her, love her, love her. Reading her book Wishful Drinking made me realize that I had a bipolar disorder. Changed my life. Saved my life. She is my personal hero. Her acting, her writing, her awesomeness. Please be OK. Please, please, please.

Your condescension is really cute, but let me help you. I’m a historian of women in performance and I have done extensive research on contracts in the contexts of women who perform with their bodies.

Exactly. My company turned down good work for Boy Scouts when they were discriminating. It was a hard thing to do. But all the people who stood up to them made a difference. It’s the “just do your job” mentality that maintains the status quo.

What the fuck ever happened to a fucking union existing for its fucking members instead of being a fucking mouthpiece for fucking management?

I hope they do “Springtime for Hitler.”

if they want legs, can’t they just get these guys?

It seems the women are being threatened with their jobs if they don’t want to perform:

This political trend right now that is propagating the notion that legislatures should have the final say over the academic work done at colleges and universities is absolutely, nightmare-inducingly chilling.

So unrelated to this whole article but I couldn’t find a Trump one on the front page.

I chose very deliberately not to watch the footage, and generally speaking I don’t watch any footage of people dying if I can avoid it. So, swing and a miss on your part there.

I’d like to move to officially cut Texas from states receiving financial support from Blue states propping up their redneck asses. Get some straps on those cowboy boots, Billy Jim Bob Ray Cletus Junior.