

This is totally off topic and I apologize. Between my job and Christmas I will not be able to post much until well in to the new year.

Dear Jezebel, a Polish progressive here. Yes, you’re basically right about the whole “dystopian nightmare” thing, things are getting really really nasty, BUT please - please please please - do not link our civil liberties issues to the “government doling out money” crap; it’s basically right-wing propaganda from the

Well, if you see children as property of their father, he’s just doing what is within his rights. I’ll take this moment to remind everyone the US has yet to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - we are the only UN member to fail to do so. We need to be better, US!

It’s only it’s only child abuse If it’s a woman of color. Don’t you know that fucking shit bag white man never commit child abuse

Can we talk about this for just a second:

RIGHT? Thank you.

I hate to be “that person” but as a Biologist I think this normally rare event could become more common with monoculture tree plantings. Monoculture stands such as pine, Christmas trees, often for profit but sometimes touted as “eco-friendly” have almost no diversity and therefore no variety of roots to stabilize or

This shit is everywhere now. The genie is out of the bottle and short of widespread violence, which might be needed, it ain’t going back.

A quick show of hands.

Damn, these assholes are now going to ruin waistcoats for everyone, aren’t they?

Literally trolling from his mother’s basement. Beautiful.

No one gonna point out the white supremist saying “Ayo-it’s that time, fam”?

Fuck this dudes mom

not to go and be superficial or anything, but allow me to be superficial and knock whoever it was in the media that insisted this “man” has “prom king good looks” or whatever the hell was said about him. This dude is just another ugly ass right wing punchy face imo. Alt-ugly.

“How many times do I have to fight goddamn Nazi’s.”

Rabbi Altmann and his secretary were sitting in a cafe in Berlin in 1935. “Herr Altmann,” said his secretary, “You’re reading Der Stürmer! I can’t understand why. A Nazi libel sheet! Are you some kind of masochist, or, God forbid, a self-hating Jew?”

This is the bit that had me almost insane with frustration during the election. *Clearly* this fucking psychic vampire feeds on attention. So he took more and more horrendous stances and what did they do? Cyclically fed the fucking monster to the point where the Democratic candidates were barely covered.

Remember that ad that they played non stop for yes on prop 8? Where he was like READY OR NOT, LIKE IT OR NOT. Jesus that ad will be burned into my memory for the rest of my life

GAVIN NEWSOM 2020! He has most of Bernie’s policies and a mug that can kill. hate to say it but DNC needs a JFK charisma moment after the 2016 shitstorm. I’m not going to be too idealistic and pure to say charm/looks might be what we will need to win over those shithead 53% of white women who voted trump. (PLUS he has