
Being angry is only emotional if you have a vagina. That’s just science.

Clinton is the first candidate I can remember, EVER, that sat at a major debate and actually repeatedly said the word abortion and that she was pro it. I cried watching it.

One day we’re going to have a real conversation about what drives the religious rights zealous opposition to abortion and any form of social safety net.

I saw right through his game at the beginning... Those old-guard liberals who are SO hot for civil rights that they absolutely have to push women into the background, not let them speak out at the consciousness-raising-group meetings, & make them sit out the protests to stay behind making coffee & mimeographs. Take a

Oddly enough, it wasn’t really a big deal when it happened (this coming from my parents). It was just kind of accepted as common sense and people moved on, as far as I can tell.

It became a rallying cry as part of the southern strategy several years later, when Republicans realized that riling up the evangelicals was a

It was because of generations of first hand ‘my sister, my aunt’ horror stories.

That told me just what a misogynistic nasty old man he was and sealed my hatred for the guy. He wanted his ego stroked; he didn’t give a fuck about the people.

Fuck that Magic Grandpa for calling us a ‘distraction’. We’re 50% of the goddamn human race, Bernie.

That’s why I was so bummed in the primary when Bernie called Planned Parenthood “part of the establishment.” Not only did he disparage an organization that is a life-saver to many low income women and families, but he insinuated that “women’s issues” are not as important as whatever Bernie wanted.

Too many young liberals, mostly male in my experience, do not think abortion access is a big deal. They don’t care. They don’t think it’s a serious issue. I mean Bernie Sanders himself claimed it was a distraction. I’ve got a big hearty fuck you to all those people.

Clinton stood at the third debate and argued for late term abortions. That took courage and conviction. Instead some liberals would vote for this guy who in the primaries claimed that if gay people were discriminated against, they shouldn’t sue over it because who wants to deal with that mess? They would cjoose THIS

Fetal viability has always been the crux of Roe-v-Wade because the court never specified a time and left it up to doctors. At some point though, it’s going to be possible to incubate fetuses without a mother.

She stands for peace. She will kill for the end to war.

I wish the proper context to this would be reported. This year a new Secretary General is being selected and there was a huge push to finally have a woman UN SecGen. Instead, no woman even made it into the final rounds. Despite the most qualified candidates, objectively being women. Instead, it turned into a proxy

This guy is the worst case of the emperor’s new clothes I’ve ever seen. The media keeps acting like I’m supposed to think he’s attractive when i can clearly see he’s not.

Hahahahaha! might want to check your privilege or get a dose of reality. YOU might not consider yourself rich, but trust me when I say, you can afford what a lot of American’s can not.

It’s fuel for those who love conspiracy theories.

This is where I break with the Jacobin/ Intercept left. Aleppo was under horrific fire from Russia before the election. In the last year, Russian shelling killed more civilians than ISIS has in all of Syria, and twice as many civilians as the entire UAV drone strike program has since 2004.

It’s because they are black. We are expected to forgive and be kind even though that courtesy is never extended to us. If you look at news conferences or reports where a black person has been killed extra-judiciously or in one of these racist attacks, one of the first things the family is asked is “do you forgive the