see it'd more likely ATTRACT bar people with that "come-hither" body swivel
see it'd more likely ATTRACT bar people with that "come-hither" body swivel
Well, I think in that heaven all 12-year-old girls are married off and just never leave the house without their husbands again. The husbands have the guns. This is my twisted Libertarian fantasy that fires up when I read articles like this one.
I think you're describing GOP gun lover heaven. Scary.
Yes, and so I'd like college campuses to provide military-grade weapons and combat training to all women. Actually I'm thinking we should really begin all this in middle school. Every 12-year-old girl should have an automatic weapon slung over her shoulder and know how to use it. By college it should be ingrained…
You're right that we cannot make the world perfect, and I agree that we should make people aware of their surroundings (in fact, that's a good thing about good martial arts training), but how you frame a message does matter. By framing it in military terms, you're drawing a parallel between walking back from class and…
that last one is me when someone asks me to stand in profile.
"It's another entirely to tell people that they should basically be soldiers just to get home to their dorms."
It is sad. I agree with you 1000-million%. It's also sad that my 9 year-old daughter is diligently working on a black belt in karate and volunteered to me, totally out of the blue one day, that because she knows karate, she will never have to be afraid.
So you're hypervigilant and apprehensive of every situation and then you get "God, all men aren't rapists! Why are you so paranoid?!"
Owls are the goddamn greatest
the last one = me at the bar warding off predators
I googled "head on a swivel gif" but instead I got these gifs of owls with incredible ranges of motion:
Also, if soldiers kept doing this once back in civilian life we'd probably contribute it to paranoia/PTSD.
Well, if the enemy rapes an American soldier(or anyone else) it's a war crime.
Also, women in the military are frequently raped as well...
I also detest the phrase "let it happen" nobody just "lets" rape happen to them. It's not that simple. That phrase is just disgusting.
Well, there's something else, too. We could teach boys not to rape———without the rape jokes, the bitching about humorless feminazis, the prison rape jokes, the "lucky dog" young boy/older woman rape jokes. As long as most rape jokes depend on attacking victims' veracity or virtue or whatever for their punchlines, …
"The military calls it 'keeping your head on a swivel' and it's probably the most important thing you can do to ensure your safety." So.... literally live every moment like I'm an Army Ranger deployed to Afghanistan? Also, those guys get paid.
It's really sad that the police are saying that people should be acting like they're soldiers on patrol in a warzone in the middle of a college campus. It's one thing to tell people that there are escort services available on-campus (my alma mater provided that at all hours), it's another entirely to tell people that…