My boyfriend is apathetic to HG, but I pay for our tickets and he goes with me to see them in the theater.
My boyfriend is apathetic to HG, but I pay for our tickets and he goes with me to see them in the theater.
Fun! Here's mine:
My sexual education teacher was horrible. He said to me, " shouldn't be out in the open with your sexuality. It makes others uncomfortable, and makes you look like a target and a victim." He said that transgender people and bisexuals " not exist, they're doing it for attention." He also said that "…
I took it more as a vaguely spiritual sort of thing. Like the same soul will be in the next embryo or something.
Bad science jokes are my everything.
She's actually being quite eloquent here. She gets right at the truth that the "baby" is just a concept, a dream, a gift you have yet to open and don't know the contents of. She's saying that someday, she hopes to be able to do this again, and open that gift, that she would like to see the potential person become an…
The "baby" that she's talking to is just a concept, a potential. She is saying she will get to dream about the baby she will have again someday, when she is ready and capable of giving it a proper life.
If you have coulrophobia, or even an aversion to clowns, you may not want to read this. Because there are a lot of…
I love that the stock photo appears to show someone who has a very unclear idea of what is meant by cursive writing. What's up with that 'r' at the end of 'Dear'? And the print 'S' to which some as-yet unrecognizable letter is being appended?
She's pretty obviously referring to the next time (or a future time) she gets pregnant and is able/willing to carry it to term, not anything to do with the afterlife or lack thereof. I'm also not seeing anything in the letter that warrants your over-the-top, downright vicious vitriol.
Yeh so I thought it was pretty clear that when she said she'd meet the "Little Thing" again she was referring to in the future, when she actually brings the pregnancy to fruition..
..........that had nothing to do with god or heaven or anything. She was talking about meeting pregnancy again, in vague terms. Reread it.
But seriously, who the fuck cares if she does believe in heaven? You're being awfully hateful.
Chemistry nerd high five!
You're one of my new heroes.
We're hitting the afternoon hard here on Jezebel, and what better way to deal with the "after lunch blahs" than to…