Belle Wicke the Science Chick

I'm pretty sure I saw this episode of Doctor Who.*

It didn't go well for the humans.

*I don't remember actually seeing creepy clowns in Doctor Who, but plenty of other "creepy things that seem innocent until they're ripping off your face" stuff on Doctor Who (see creepy aliens in creepy Santa Clause masks that kill

I felt the same way...I was all "noooo she's 11..." but I watched it anyway and it was just amazing.

Ahhh, baby koala for the win!

Yeah, sorry about that.

I can almost see it as a one-off that "I'm a risk-taker and this is totally scary but maybe fun, let's see!" type of thing.

But this was a regular thing for her. *shivers* I just. I can't.

I don't even know. She worked in a printing agency, so maybe she only used it while working with the noisy machines? I don't know, I just remember thinking "I shall never return to this place, and we shall not speak of this again. Ever."

Can...can I introduce you to my family?

No, no, not like that.

Well, I've always maintained that my mother never grew out of middle school. And she's always, always, always thought with her libido. It's why all of her husbands/boyfriends have been scum.

Okay, thank you, I'm glad it's not just me.


I have a relative (who shall remain nameless...MOM) that used to go into work with those little mini-vibrators that slip inside and are controlled by some sort of switch or remote or something. I don't know, I'm not well-versed in sex toy. She would use it all the time. All day. At work. Because she could, and it felt


Yeah, I mean, when he does the *RUN TO THE BEDROOM BECAUSE SHE'S TAKING HER SHIRT OFF OMG!* I laugh a bit and find it at least a little flattering, generally amusing.

So much win.


Yeah, if my husband had been doing this before we got married, he likely would have gotten dumped. Now it's just one of those things where he does it and I either sigh ignore it or "flappy hand" him away from me (or in some instances, throw water in his face) because just ugh. There's no point in talking to him about

She probably does. Or, at least, I'm betting she thought it was cute when they first got together.

DUDE. I totally do the "don't tempt me, Frodo" and "You shall not pass!" quotes all the time. I hadn't thought about the potato one, though. I'M SO DOING THIS NEXT TIME I COOK.

That's probably it. I mean, while there are a lot of people claiming "geek is chic" I see a lot of "ew look at this nerd doing this nerdy thing" still happening, so I think the former is just a smokescreen.

Best part? He does the voices. And does them reasonably well. *golfclap*