Belle Wicke the Science Chick

How about the subtle-not-subtle groping? It's like, I go in for a hug, and when I pull away, there's always a hand that cups a boob as he pulls away. Sometimes it's cute. Most of the time it's like "REALLY? Do you REALLY think I don't feel that? Seriously." Every time I call him on it he's all "It was an accident, I

Okay good, it's not just me thinking this. Scrolling through the comments seeing variations on "how the hell does he even have a girlfriend?"

Because someone out there loves this, that's why. Maybe not this woman, but there are those of us out here.

Honestly, this isn't far from something I would do. I quote Harry

I think, to me, it was funny because I was with my mother, and SHE thought it was funny. When you're a really young child, the way your parents act and talk and, well, everything about them affects the way you think about things. My mom liked these things, so I should too, right? That made sense to my illogical self

I watched Ren and Stimpy with my mother and her husband for a couple of years when I was little and still lived with them. And yes, my underdeveloped brain found some of it funny.

Sesame Street never gets old. And I miss Mr. Rodgers. Yes, he was ridiculously over-the-top kind and sweet. But the world needs more of that, and less smart-ass snark that only aims to "take people down a notch." (Don't get me wrong, I am a smart-ass whose first language is Sarcasm, but I still think that we've come

While I cannot stand Dora the Explorer because it is just ridiculously saccharine and makes me cringe...

That was so appropriate to this whole thing that I think you might deserve a knighthood.

That's what we need, Dean and Sam on the case!

That duckling is just THE BEST. Made reading this article completely worth it.

Are you implying that the concept of "wet shadows" is anything less than brilliant eroticism at its best?

I'm pretty sure I just threw up a little in my mouth. And there are just so many excellent gifs related to this whole thing that I just can't...

Her ideal man has a chick's hand for a penis? That's very telling.

Perfect gif is perfect.

Sounds like my husband, who is also an artist.


I'm completely with you, there.

That explains everything. *sigh* The state of the education in our world. *sadface*

I know right? That was just priceless.

That's because "male parts" aren't a thing. Because males aren't made up of parts. Males are human beings with thoughts and feelings (well, maybe not feelings, because MANLY) and goals and dreams.

I always dress up. Haven't missed a single year yet, even when I don't leave the house.