Belle Wicke the Science Chick



And bears. Maybe.

This is why I remind people of all the technological and medical advances that we've made in the last 60 years that have made living far more comfortable and, for many people, longer.


They never would have blurted out "vagina."

Oh man, I wish I had had this image the other day when one of my family members posted the latte salute thing on Facebook. I was too lazy to go look up Bush Blunders myself, but this would have been beautiful to have on hand.

This is beautiful. Can I just...can I just bask in the glory of the fact that there were veterans out there that did this? I'm just going to do that now.

I have gleefully avoided all forms of Nicholas Sparks and will continue to do so. I'm happy going through my life without him. To those who love him, more power to you.

That is freaking adorable!

Okay good, I was going to argue the potty front because honestly...even I don't say "I'm going to the toilet" I say "I'm going to the bathroom/restroom" because that's just...that's where I'm going. What I'm doing in the bathroom is my business, even if it's taking a swab of that blue stuff that's growing on the

You win the entire comment section for not dissecting the girl and/or her parents, but rather the film-making itself!


Also, it's probably just me, but half of what she's saying sounds garbled to me anyway.

Ugh, when people do this it makes me want to shake them violently.

She sounds like the most brilliant woman in all of existence.

I wonder...are there any Jezebels out there who have fibromyalgia and/or chronic costochondritis or other similar chronic pain disorders? Anyone found a way to deal with the torture that is a bra?

I think upbringing is definitely important in this as well.

And if you don't like the way I do laundry, you are more than welcome to DO IT YOURSELF. *angrygrump*