Belle Wicke the Science Chick

My husband, who is trying very hard to get into movie makeup and prosthetics (he wants to make movie monsters) is adamant that this is a foam latex prosthetic. He's been studying various monster-making tricks and stuff for years, and honestly, after seeing this video, I'm in agreement. It even looks like she's got

What, might I ask, is a "Life Coach?"

Didn't the "three breasts" thing start with Total Recall?

It's not about being smart or not, it's just that I know what I can and can't tolerate, and that's one of those things I just can NOT abide because it just breaks me into tiny little pieces and I just can't even...*hyperventilates*


Actually, I quite like the show itself, just not that episode. That one is just completely awful in every way. It's like letting someone slice open your chest with a machete, break your ribcage open, squeeze your heart into a pulp, and then rip it out...followed by pouring bleach on your insides.

I cannot handle that episode of Futurama. I have seen it exactly ONCE. Any time I'm re-watching that season I have to skip that episode because...I just bawl and bawl and then get mad at Fry and then bawl some more.

This exactly.

This is a problem, absolutely. In some cultures it's even more blown out of proportion, where women aren't beautiful unless they have like...size G breasts, which are definitely a hazard for one's back. My grandmother had to have a breast reduction just so she didn't end up hunched over because of her puppies, but

Actually, I covered this in another post on this article, and I agree with you. The problem is that there's judgement on both sides of the spectrum, but what I was discussing was the automatic sexualization of women with larger breasts simply because they have larger breasts. I did not intend to slight the pain of

I agree with your observation that children are not owed the belief of their being the center of the universe (in fact, it should be made clear early on that the universe is vast and that no single entity is the center of it, at least definitely not one on Earth), and that they should not be told that particular lie

This is how I feel about it as well. I was trying to convey that in my post, but I might not have done so very well. These things need to be said and shared, but absolutely don't project those feelings on your child. I think that a lot of times when parents resent their kids it's because they haven't been allowed to

I'm inclined to agree. I mean, I think women should share it with other women. I think it needs to be said, and I think that getting it off your chest can sometimes make it feel better, even if only for a little bit.

What the hell is positive anxiety and how can I get some, because all I've ever had the "pleasure" of experiencing is good ol' run-of-the-mill THE SKY IS FALLING anxiety.

"Woman" - You're Doing It Wrong.

And please, please, for the love of all that is good in this not do this while drunk.

Yeah, the roof did bother me, but that was the most worrisome part of the exterior I could note. That and it looks like it needs a good yard cleanup (and somebody really should paint it a different color, but that's aesthetic).


Yeah, I know, it just still bothers me. I mean, I do get it, lawyers are lawyers and they do what they must to win the case.

I was a little kid, and logic dictated that this was an adult and that to move may be more dangerous than not moving. At least, my child-logic anyway. Besides, adults were *supposed* to be trustworthy. Not that any of these guys ever gave me any reason to trust them with anything more than a piece of string, but