Belle Wicke the Science Chick

Do you ever get to the point where you just glare at them for a moment and then get all "Okay, fucker, let's pull out the Constitution RIGHT NOW. Let's read up on what the first amendment actually SAYS, shall we? Wait, you don't want to do that? What? Why not? Oh, because actual facts may conflict with your wildly


That would be twofold:

My ex-husband was a prime example of "no empathy." When I'd bring up environmental issues, he'd laugh in my face and tell me that he didn't care about what effects his current comforts had on the future, that was a problem for future generations to deal with. As long as he was comfortable and content now, screw

Hey, Cee-lo. Here's some surprising news for you: Just because she "consented" to the drugs (assuming she did), does not mean she consented to sex with you. Silence is not consent, drugged consent is not consent, and if you can't remember it happening then it damn well is rape because you can't have been in a state of

Ugh, so much this. Celebrities, and people in general, are, in fact, PEOPLE.

Thank you for saying this. I was about to say basically the exact same thing, but now I don't have to. All the stars for you!

Can I just say that you and your sister sound like you were totally badass kids? I would so have played Apartment with y'all. Especially if it meant I got to be a spy...

Oh dude, I totally loved Litebrights. I could spend hours with those things, burning my fingers into blackened nubs. Totally worth it.

Perhaps she was lacing the chalkboard erasers with it so that she could target students she really hated and get them busted for drugs:

"THANKS OBAMA" - Signed, People Who Can't Take Responsibility For Their Own Bullshit

You're welcome.

I'm going to go ahead and say that I did not / have not watched this, and likely never will, on the sole basis of the idea just absolutely breaking my heart. I've seen awful things, experienced awful things, done awful things even, but short of becoming a serial murder / rapist, there's not much I can think of that

I think I love you (for the frog picture + comment). That would be yearbook GOLD.

Oh this reminds me of my son. He's not that old yet, but that sounds pretty much exactly like something that would come out of his mouth. It's a good thing that he will not be expecting siblings ever. He'd probably get this frustrated, and then once the baby was born...I dunno, try to sell it?

That tie looks like a tongue hanging down his chest. It's a little grotesque, really.

THIS is what people in sports wear?

I can't even...I think I'm blind. It's like a dizzying nightmare of Twister vs. Litebright.

Okay, thank goodness I'm not the only one thinking this.

Replying on my own comment because oh Physics gods I got my "their/they're/there" mixed up. I am so disappointed in myself.