bella bachelor

Currently in academia, there’s real discussion about raising the burden of proof in death penalty cases to absolute and creating a more structured system (aka a first time lawyer can’t represent someone up for death penalty nor first time judge presiding). This should satisfy anyone worried about wrongful deaths.

What is it with guys claiming that their “crazy exes” are suicidal so they can’t be direct with them? If I had a nickel for all the guys who’ve tried this shit with either me or my girlfriends, well . . . I’d buy a sundae with my twenty nickels. And why won’t my friends ever believe that it’s bullshit? It’s always

i believe he was convincing. i found my ex passed out with bags of heroin laying next to him and when he said he wasnt high i believed him. but lookng back on that, i realize it’s because i had to choose to believe him, or i would have to give up the guy i loved. what i’m saying is you made a conscience choice to go

I’ve read this entire thread and I get that you need to believe he loved you because of all the time you invested, but girl that ain’t love. He didn’t love you. He doesn’t love his wife. Please don’t take this as me saying you’re dumb YOU ARE NOT TO BLAME, but you need to see that you aren’t losing a great love. This

You guys I just got drunk at the bar across the street and chatted up a guy ten years younger than me then came home to my husband watched Hillary’s speech with him and pledged $$ to her campaign and I’m fucking fired up!!!!

10/10 would watch

ok assuming (probably erroneously) she didn’t eat the rose expressly for the purpose of getting noticed for eating a rose:

It’s the hypocrisy that gets me. They’re always screaming about private enterprise and there being too much regulation and how companies should be able to run themselves as they see fit but as soon as a private company makes a decision like this to censor hate speech, they lose their minds and start crying. What part

Creating the conditions to get a female-fronted version of blues brothers started, probably wasn’t a goal the abusers had in mind.

I believe in this case, the loophole has been closed, but only after this incident occurred, so the loophole-closing laws can’t be applied in this particular case (although they can be applied to similar cars in the future). I still don’t get why any judge would rule that I don’t have an expectation of privacy under

KATIE: OK, well go grab Suri. Tom’s almost here for his weekly visit.

Zara’s arguments seems less like one they are willing to truly push in court and more like a “You have us dead to rights but before we sit down at a settlement table we figured we would try this one argument and hope you go away ”.

If a bunch of Democrats did this to a conservative protester, the GOP would lose its shit screaming (for months) about disrespecting the flag. But for some reason these shitbrains have no problem looping the flag around people like some kind of dogcatcher’s pole.

Pretty fitting that Trump supporters use the American flag to cover anti-racism messaging. They use patriotism as a thin veil for racism. “Make America Great Again” is code for “Make America White Again.”

Somewhere out there, E.L. James just preordered this and opened a new Word doc.

Bahahaha. That is seriously hilarious and sounds like something a southern momma would do.

Even if it’s the wife of a man YOUR HUSBAND said isn’t American and can’t be president. I am actually dizzy right now.

I think you’re right. How is it that she ended up running against two completely inept people? No real competition.

I am not big into conspiracies, but the one I do like is that the entire Trump campaign was designed to make the RNC look bad to help get HRC elected. Like I’m actually suggesting someone is paying billions so she can be the first woman POTUS.

This actually makes me feel bad for Melania. No way she was actually aware of this. Donald probably gave her the speech in its entirety. And now we all get to literally compare her with Michelle, one of the best First Ladies in history.