bella bachelor

I don’t care what anyone says, I love Kim Kardashian. I have probably seen like 5 episodes of her show and much of what I know about her is from sites like these, but I really think she is hilarious and a cool person. She’s been around forever and honestly no one seems to ever have anything truly bad to say about her.

He cute too.

It is a request from @officialberniceking (Dr’s King’s daughter). Her tweet/FB post circulated widely a few weeks ago after Republicans refused to read her mother’s letter re Jeff Sessions aloud - from the same hearing where Warren was shut down.

I got a sense that what was happening was he was talking to the end of his breath and then having to breath immediately after stoppping. Sucking air fast through the nose creates that sniffle effect

i got teary eyed just reading your comment

Embrace the void in your soul, girl. Go for it. Pettiness is fun, and we can all be gleeful idiots in harmony.

I am torn between my decent human side feeling bad for their kids for the absolute tabloid shitshow of a trainwreck that’s about to happen, and my petty side clapping in glee for it.

“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”

Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.

Atl is a fucking character. All the time. My god, New York snobbery is exhausting.

Please please please everyone watch the show!! I know the trailers don’t make it seem like much, but I recently saw a screening by FX of the first two episodes with a Q & A with the cast after, and it was amazing!

It will just be Hilary constantly saying “I’d like to give my time to Mr. Trump to continue what he was just saying.”

“Allegedly, she is a fan of George Orwell and Ayn Rand … most unusual.”

People just go out of their way to discredit women who have been assaulted, abused, raped... Sure, all victims are in cahoots plotting in some musty basement! Plotting what exactly I don’t know though.

I think the problem is when rape jokes mock the victim

Love that show, never caught that. Now I’m gonna binge watch Bobs Burgers on Netflix searching for this one scene, this is exciting!

I about bust a gut laughing when Earl Hickey was in prison and the sign in front of the prison read something like “Welcome to Camden State Prison! If you were a rapist, you’d be home now.”

That’s actually surprisingly good? It’s funny and yet the underlying point is “throwing around the word rape is inappropriate—because rape is actually horrifying.” So uh. I never thought I’d say this but good job dane cook?

I think most (maybe not all) feminists recognize that it’s possible to make good jokes about rape. It’s all about punching up versus punching down. The Reductress articles are perfect examples of rape jokes that punch up—the thing being made fun of is the perpetuators of rape culture, not the act of rape or victims of

They can be funny, but like with all jokes it depends on on the delivery, the content and the comedian.