bella bachelor

Rape jokes can absolutely be funny — and they can be pretty damned feminist, as well, as this article illustrates so neatly.

Also, as far as ‘first offense’ goes RAPE is pretty fucking bad. Are we to believe the judge would have thrown the book at him if his first offense had been speeding or shoplifting and THEN systematic planned sexual assault?

This misses the point. Nico Hines’ staggering ignorance is the least shocking part of this article. The original piece included identifying information about these athletes—some of whom are from repressive countries where violence against LGBTQ individuals is common and sanctioned. With one incredibly crappy


I’m about as liberal as they come

Except that it isn’t, always. You’re talking about your hatred of blanket statements while totally ignoring the level of discretion that goes into the legal process, everything from how a defendant is charged to what sentence they face. Granted, some police officers, district attorneys, and judges are strictly by the

That’s what stuns me so much about this election. The sheer number of Republicans who seem gob smacked by Trump and his followers. Why? How? 8 years ago they accepted the Tea Party with open arms. They voted in the Bachman’s, the Cruz’s and the Huckabee’s of the country. The Jindal’s and the Walker’s. Every one of

If she’s not voting for Clinton its absolutely toothless. I won’t vote for him but I won’t vote for his opponent is the same shit Mark Kirk is trying to pull. Trump is lagging badly in her purple state and she wants to save face since she has the most bipartisan record of any Republican in the senate. She works within

The incident described: him berating her viciously then turning tender to bring her back, is the exact dynamic that makes abuse so dangerous and SO hard to leave. They go hand in hand.

Did he just pull a “Do you know who I am?” when his “claim to fame” is killing an unarmed black teenager?

Gj replying to the troll. His comment is now #2. This greys system really works.

Yea, I can't really fault someone who has fought for equal pay and reproductive rights for talking about how misogyny affects the women nearest him.

I generally agree that it’s frustrating when men begin to embrace feminist ideology through their relationships with women, rather than recognizing women as independent human beings deserving of equal rights irrespective of their relationships to men.

You are correct! I work at an architectural salvage organization, and we sell vintage plumbing fixtures online. Over the last year, we’ve started to get requests for mid-century colors like Mamie Eisenhower Pink, Surf Green, and Powder Blue . Every month we send several tub, sink, & toilet sets to designers in places

The pink and green kitchen is like someone read my dreams. BEFORE I WAS ALIVE.

I legitimately love that kitchen floor.

Despair? Those are fucking fantastic.

I need everything in the second photo immediately. The last photo looks like Aunt Sandy got good and sloshed before filming her Easter episode, and now I want to get drunk in that room.

What will Architectural Digest 2060 make of my design equation?