bella bachelor

I stand by American Indian. Not North American Indian.

In a women’s studies class they showed us excerpts from a gynecological textbook written in the 70s. It said, among other horrifying things, that women need to experience pain to be truly feminine. Hopefully the books don’t say shit like that anymore.

Sure Jan.

This is how Swift greeted Tom Hiddleston for their first date.

Get the fuck outta here.

Taylor Swift is 26. She has been very skillful when it comes to PR for her whole career. But go ahead uplift your Queen of White Feminism.

Kim and Kanye have both been famous for over 10 years... I think you need to accept that they aren't one-hit wonders.

Also the victimhood angle is pretty silly given the fact she got rich putting out diss tracks about anyone and everyone who crossed her path, made no effort to hide who she was targeting and (I assume) never bothered to ask permission or give warnings. I like Tay but girlfriend, you got played at your own game here.

Khloe always goes way too far with her clapbacks, and is quick to slut shame.

She’s famous because she’s a savvy businesswoman...

Honestly this whole thing has made it more real for me, like I know most people have their “Celebrities are just like us” moments when famous people are seen buying benign items in the grocery store. But for me this is it. I have some people in my life that are known to twist words to the point of madness so I keep

So many publicists are scrambling right now screaming Abort Abort. While Taylor is probably all:

Now playing

Even though he didn’t actually put the full lyric out in the video to her I’m disappointed in her. For years I have defended Taylor Swift to people in my community who hated her. To people who thought that she was demonizing Kanye by being the fragile white woman to his angry black man. And I still I think he was

Exactly. Every time someone says the party is dying due to age I think of all the young Republicans I have met, some of whom have even worse beliefs than their older counterparts. While the demographics in this country might be shifting regarding ethnicity, their are still plenty of young, white people who cling to

Guys, Paul Ryan doesn’t see color.

Not really sure I follow...

He’s also Hank Hill’s dad (on stilts.)

When I lived in Indianapolis I felt compelled to write to his office several times because of how outrageously, egregiously awful his legislation was (is). I think I wrote to him like 5 times and I only lived there for a year. On the plus side, he won’t be running for re-election and gave Dems a nice opening for

This is the guy who wanted to force women to have burials for their miscarriages. That is the only sentence about him anyone should need to hear.

Good people don’t make “mistakes” like that. It was very malevoleant, cruel, and intentional.