bella bachelor

On the other hand, I’m not entirely convinced Tom Hiddleston and Jared Leto aren’t the same person...and I definitely expect this behavior from Jared Leto.


Growing up we visited Florida every summer too, and I can still hear my mother’s voice telling me to stay away from the lakes or else a gator might eat me. I also still feel vaguely uneasy whenever I see freshwater in Florida.

Omg I don’t even understand Timelines anymore. Don’t you have to actively tell Facebook to publish things now? There’s like a publishing queue and I don’t need yet another to-do list so I stopped bothering after that. It makes me miss FarmVille...

I agree. If any of these new girls are supermodels, it’s Cara Delevingne. She’s crazy privileged, but she’s talented and captivating enough to be successful without her wealth/connections. Gigi and Kendall are good enough, but can’t hold a candle to Cara.

I was still a little skeptical of Ruth’s account up until Karen said:

Hahaha the horrifying implications of the anthropomorphic toy universe grow evermore darker as a sentient Barney silently begs for the sweet release of death.

Too far? Please that’s just the tip.

Haha no I actually wrote that you see them as the same situations and I’m arguing they are not, but I guess I edited that out. I honestly do not understand how you can’t see that they are so very different. I probably can’t explain it any better, so I’m tapping out.

Yeah I was wrong about Washington law, and I agree with you. You make a good point about semantics and the term sexual predator. I do think his actions count as rape, but the barriers to recognizing that (publicly and legally) are, a) consent is typically defined in black and white terms, and b) the stigma and

I didn’t look up the statute, so thanks for doing that. So he couldn’t be prosecuted for third degree rape, but according to the article “there are ways to prosecute Matt Hickey for his alleged crimes.” I read the statute and it seems like there might be, but I ain’t no lawyer.

Claiming to be the CEO of Google was a hyperbolic example of your pretending to be rich or giving a fake name examples, but whatever. They are essentially lying to get someone to talk to you, to get your foot in the door. The end game is sex, but the path is open for the other person to use their discretion (“You’re

My comment was in response to someone saying that it’s wrong to call it rape just because the women were lied to.

Lying about certain characteristics of yourself (“I’m the CEO of Google”, “I have a big dick”) to start a conversation/relationship with someone is sleazy, but not rape.

K don’t have a crap attack.

Wait no no no.

Shush, let her speak.

Nope you’re all wrong. Girlfriend is ordering LK Bennett pumps as we speak.

Okay?? Go home. The majority of those women mentioned were tortured to death. I understand you think you’re saying something poignant about the state of our society or whatever, but you’re essentially talking over violence against women just to garner your own attention and bait people. This isn’t about guns, and it
